Who are the Romney Brigade, you may be asking yourselves. Answer is easy and you may know an specimen or two: Any so-called republican that feels we need to engage the Democrats and the Left  with a high level of politeness and fairness it was a tea party at Martha’s Vineyard (with classical music being played in the background). That the enemy is having us in a knife fight in a public bathroom and tries to cheat at every possible occasion because they want to win does not even compute in their brains. And, of course, the Romney Brigade is and has been fully #NeverTrump as he is too crass, too noveu rich and has had the ball to move to their beach neighborhood or West Palm Beach.  President Trump is their Al Czervik making a mess of their pristine golf course and overall being more successful that they could ever hope to be.

The Romney Brigade had the vapors almost immediately after Harris’s VP slot was announced and the jokes began to flow: From kneepad innuendos to full fledged slogans like “Legs Up, Don’t Come” to “She has the Black Vote all locked up. In prison.” The Brigadists have gone out of the way to inform you we are supposed to be better and that you are an impolite, reprehensible uncouth for point out that she advanced  her career on her back and knees. That such comments will actually draw votes away from the good folks of the Republican party and that we always are supposed to conduct ourselves with the utmost class and behavior which makes a sure way to win.

Unfortunately, that “sure way” has been proven wrong: First with Romney as candidate losing the elections and bringing us 8 years of Obama and then the brash and unapologetic behavior of president Trump got him elected when everybody else gave Hillary a 96% chance of winning the election.

And we need to win. We cannot afford to lose “with grace” or we are gonna get in full socialist mode in this country. Imagine the Antifa experiment of Seattle and Portland in your hometown and with the full backing (official or otherwise) of the federal government. Is that scary enough for you? Or you need me to recite all the Socialist goals the Left Branch of the Democratic Party wants to impose on you, your family and your income?

So, if calling Kamala a whore works, double it down. I am here for the win, not for the so-called moral victory. Many people died in prisons because they waved burning sage in the face of the enemy rather than flinging a lead pipe against it.

 ‘The fight has commenced, get to fighting or get away.”
Wyatt Earp.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Kamala Harris is Selected & the Romney Brigade is out in full force to protect her.”
  1. I love the quote from Caddyshack II:

    “Do you want him terminated with extreme prejudice?”

    “We tried extreme prejudice, it didn’t work.”

    Also, the Romney Brigade and #NeverTrump “Republican” pundits all lived posh lifestyles being the token “good Republicans” that could make fat cash on CNN/MSNBC etc. In the Trump age, they lost that grift. They couldn’t be that and be on the party inside. So they rather replace Trump so they can be back to being party players and making bank.

  2. I’ve been seeing a lot of lefties going on about how much they hate the Biden/Harris ticket but OMB so they’re going to hold their noses and vote for them.

    Just like I told them they would. No matter how much they tout their ‘uncompromising principles’, they’ll vote for whatever ham sandwich the DNC tells them to because any candidate w/ an ‘R” next to their name is ‘literally hitler’.

    As for the Romney Brigade, these are the same spineless milquetoasts that called for Trump to step down after the inevitable harassment claims started during the primaries which would have effectively handed the election to Hillary.

    They are experts at pulling defeat out of the jaws of victory. It’s only w/ Trump in office that I’ve seen some of the GOP growing a pair.

  3. And when Trumpy wins in Nov that will be the time to scream(politly of course) at the gop to get the bleeping bleep behind Trump and do thier bleepin job!

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