Since the Biden Justice Department is no longer prosecuting Antifa, arson is again in the menu

And the most thoughtful Mayor in the country is reaping with interests all the good  intentions he had for Social Justice.

Will behavior like this expand to other cities? Bet yer butt it will. Let us not forget the Derek Chauvin trial which just started in Minneapolis and which no matter the verdict, it will make for some beautiful looting and burning just because it will be “morally” permissible to do so.

I don’t know your house, but mine ain’t protected by a squadron of heavily protected Federal agents not it has barricades with razor on top. It has only me and the missus and whatever means we choose to protect ourselves from being burned alive.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “A bit more on Portland (AKA The preview of what’s coming to the rest of the US )”
  1. I’m just a stupid Neanderthal Conservative from a Red, Deep South state, who drives and American made pickup truck and never went to an Ivy League school, so can someone explain to me at my level how the attempted arson of a federal courthouse by people screaming “fuck the USA” is not an act of domestic terrorism or insurrection?

    1. Because they only do it at night when the building is unoccupied… Right? That’s what our newly-confirmed AG said was the difference between protesting and terrorism.

      So now that Portland Antifa has attacked occupied federal buildings during the day, the FBI will track them down as furiously as the guy that sat in pelosi’s chair.


      1. Heh, you beat me to it. I was going to wonder if this finally qualified as ‘terrorism’.

  2. Ahh, the signs of the coming spring… The robins have returned, the trees are beginning to bud, the squirrels are chittering, and the Communist Revolutionary Cosplay Committee are burning down my city.

  3. I just ordered Andy Ngo book on Amazon. Amazing (I guess), but a link popped up to a website where the digital copy was available to read. I read a couple of chapters before other duties intervened. I can’t wait to read this book!
    Mr Ngo is brave and fearless. The book opens with an assault a few years ago, by antifa goons, that almost killed him.
    A lesser man would have quit at that point.
    — Andy Ngo should get a pulitzer prize just for his bravery. Better, he should get a medal of freedom.

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