Here we go again, unsurprisingly from the HuffPo:

Writer Mary Papenfuss “explains”:

Guns will be barred during Vice President Mike Pence’s appearance at an upcoming National Rifle Association convention to protect his safety — prompting survivors of the Parkland school shooting in Florida to wonder why the gun group won’t agree to gun restrictions elsewhere to protect children.

Protections like No Guns Allowed in School Property? That kind of protections for kids?

Those attending the NRA Leadership Conference in Dallas are on notice that no firearms or “weapons of any kind,” or ammunition, will be allowed in the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center “prior to and during” Pence’s appearance on May 4. The NRA posted the restrictions ― a requirement of the Secret Service ― on a website announcing the conference.

See that? “a requirement of the Secret Service” So she knows it is not the NRA “banning” anything but a Secret Service mandate.  But as expected from a good “journalist” she has no problem lying to make apolitical point across. VP pence will be present for 3 hours and that will be the amount of time the restrictions will be up and I am going to guess only where the Leadership Conference will be held, not the whole huge arena.

And then they had the cojones to ask why people hate them.

PS: And if the Parkland Survivors’ jaws “dropped” must have been from all the Tide Pod chewing. That crap cannot be gentle to the maxillofacial structure.

Hat Tip Joe M.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “A good lie is worth repeating year after year.”
  1. Vice President Mike Pence will be protected by people with guns during his appearance at an upcoming National Rifle Association convention to protect his safety — prompting NRA members to wonder why the school districts won’t agree to guns in schools to protect children.

    There, FIFT (Fixed It For Them)

  2. It is a Secret Service Rule. No guns allowed anywhere near the VP or the President when they are in a venue or convention where hundreds or thousands will attend. ANYWHERE else in the NRA convention guns ARE ALLOWED.
    The MSM is misleading people.

    1. Like Mig said, this is the same thing they say every year a politician w/ Secret Service protection attends. ‘The NRA bans….” They know it’s a lie but the people who read the headlines are too ignorant/biased to know any better. Then they get a few ‘shall not be infringed’ types to comment to show how the millions of NRA members don’t support the NRA etc. etc.

  3. Um, well, the NRA could have said that he isn’t invited then. That’s what a pro gun group would do.


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