It’s been fun watching David Hogg’s Twitter feed.

That doesn’t make him an expert on pillow manufacturing.

It’s almost cute how naive he is about the difference between sleeping on a pillow and knowing how to make one.

He’s going to have racial preferences in his hiring or certain positions.

Also, knowing quite a bit about manufacturing, generally activists “that have experience with advocacy, business, supply chain logistics and worked in organized labor/workers protections” are the ones who make it harder to do business.

This company is going to get canceled from the inside.

This one is among my favorites:

As someone with degrees in materials science and who works in aerospace, I am curious exactly why he wants a rocket scientist to design pillows?

Does he think that rocket scientists are magic or something?

Does he even have an idea of what rocket scientists know?

Also, I’m tempted to put in my resume.

Yes, I get this feeling too.  Remember how I said I was sure that most of Tech is a Ponzi scheme based on bullshit valuations rather than actual deliverable goods or services?

His Tech CEO partner is giving off those vibes.

Maybe he’s being facetious, but let’s take him at face value.  The largest mattress manufacturer in the world is Tempur Sealy International, Inc.  They only do $3 billion per year.

CNBC published a great article: There are now 175 online mattress companies—and you can’t tell them apart.

I know these are mattresses and they want to make pillows, but the “sleep industry market” (that’s the technical term) is utterly swamped.

A very woke Tech company.  I wonder if any of these “biz leaders” know anything about manufacturing or bedding, or are they all woke, like-minded Tech people?

That is a stunning level of arrogance.

Here is where I tie this all up in a nice bow.

They are on Twitter bragging about every bit of how they are going to get the perfectly diverse board and have a Chief Progressive Officer, how they are disrupting big pillow and hiring rocket scientists, and I fully expect all this to lead to a huge valuation that is totally unable to pay back investors because it jumped into a swamped market with no identity beyond politics and nothing really transformative with their products (it’s a fucking pillow).

I am getting flashes of Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes.

It does seem that David did learn one thing of value:

Also, after his rocket scientist and cost of living tweets, a number of people responded this way:

Please God no, don’t let David Hogg come here.

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By J. Kb

15 thoughts on “A Harvard student/CNN expert and tech CEO prove just how stupid they really are”
  1. At ‘best’, there’s not going to be any US based manufacturing. It will be an online website that resells Chinese made products and the ‘board’ will pocket the money.

    What I really expect to happen is an online ‘pre-order’ push which collapses and never gets fulfilled. Legate pockets the money and Hogg is left holding the bag.

  2. If Hogg is so sure of his success, he should ask money for the investment to the Mob.
    Just saying… he wants to sell he will be successful? Body as collateral is a great proof of faith.

  3. Look on the bright side yall- all this wokeness and diversity on the “board of directors “ they will be way too busy in fighting and pissin each other off. LMAO

  4. For those asking I’m actually a pillow expert I’ve spent roughly 7 years of my life with my head on a pillow

    Based on that CV, he’s should be a proctologist.

  5. Good grief. I had that little shit and his straphangers shoved down my constantly when I was in exile in Broward County. Dear lord don’t let those useful idiots find their way to Huntsville. It’s already going to be bad enough with Facebook, Google, and a whole bunch of their techies coming to the area.

  6. “I wonder if any of these “biz leaders” know anything about manufacturing or bedding, or are they all woke, like-minded Tech people?”

    Sounds a whole lot like something from early to midway through Atlas Shrugged.

    “?Quien es Juan Galt?

  7. Whoa! Whoa!!! WHOOOAAA…..

    Did Hogg just say NAFTA did damage to the US? Wow, I cannot believe a leftist is not all 100% in support of NAFTA.

    Final note. They are not creating a pillow company. They are creating a political activism company which is hoping to fund itself by selling pillows.

    1. Not quite. It’s hoping to fund itself by selling shares in a shell company that they say will some day do something wonderful.
      Think of it as Solyndra 2.0.

  8. These guys are almost entertaining. Almost.

    “How hard can pillow design be? I taught myself to write BASIC at 13” and “I’ve slept on a pillow every night of my life”

    “How hard can TIG welding be? I taught myself to write BASIC at 13”

    “How hard can building a house be? I taught myself to write BASIC at 13”

    “How hard can running a billion dollar business be? I taught myself to write BASIC at 13”

    “How hard can it be?” is one of the most terrifying phrases in engineering. You start watching for Instant Karma. Not quite up there with “all ya gotta do is…” depending who’s saying it and who the target is.

    1. “How hard can it be?” Yeah, been there seen that. I worked in the nuclear industry for over thirty years, much of that as an HVAC engineer including getting a PE in mechanical/HVAC. I can’t tell you the number of times I was hired to sort out plant problems that at the core were caused by “How hard can it be? Anybody can do HVAC.” On the other hand, it did pay well.

  9. Am I the only one who see’s them as racists’ for saying minorities are unable to start a company to manufacture pillows in the USA?
    Funny how they don’t want to be in CA, the most progressive of all states.

  10. Sounds like the company will be all chiefs and no indians.

    Wait… are we allowed to say that anymore? 🙂

  11. “Please God no, don’t let David Hogg come here.”

    Something something something… feral hog problem in Alabama… something something….

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