A Kind Word and a 2×4: Chic Fil A brouhaha, geez..
Because we have to trust the Media, they are never wrong.
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
A Kind Word and a 2×4: Chic Fil A brouhaha, geez..
Because we have to trust the Media, they are never wrong.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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YEah and I wrote that BEFORE I saw the picture that started making it’s way around Facebook that is a headshot of Roseanne Barr, and the caption is something she said today. Such a tolerant, lying, hypocritical is she. Personally I LOATHE the wench.
They can support what ever they want. My flap with them is donating to Exodus International, a group that has advocated rounding up gays and lesbians, they saying opps and saying they won’t do it again, and they next quarter donating again.
The thing that chaps me most is Rham and other pols promising to keep Chic-Fil-A franchises out of their cities because of this. This is a very very bad thing.
It’s cheap, I don’t get harassed at their restaurants, and it’s chicken.
Still eating there on days it’s open.
I can’t stand chicken (long story) so I need a volunteer to go buy some Chic-Fil-A in my name.
*shrug* like I said, go buy a meal and give it to a homeless person.