Our buddy Kevin Creighton recently took a job blogging for AmmoMan.com (Apparently you can actually make money blogging) and he has already done more for gun rights with one post that certain state group has done for the past two years: A list of State Gun Right Organizations. 

Unfortunately, the Geocities-looking websites of Florida’s Gun Right groups are listed to the embarrassment of Florida Gun Owners.

Maybe less Tactical OC fishing and more coding would be the sensible thing?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “A list of State Gun Rights Organizations.”
  1. Here in AZ the AZCDL has actually done a good job; although the ASRPA is more of a marksmanship and educational organization than a political one. I get both of the newsletters and emails since I’m a member of both.

  2. Idaho Second Amendment Alliance has been reasonably effective countering the Bloomie Brigade’s and Califoricator Carpetbagger’s attempts to turn us into North East Cali. If you live in the Gem Sate send them some love.

  3. The list is not exhaustive. The big organization in Minnesota is MN GOCRA, the MN Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance. They are the ones that do the work at the Capital. They mobilize Minnesotans to call and write their legislative members. They organize carry day at the Capital.


    What other groups should be added? Let’s help our fellow gunnies out

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