I feel the same way Miguel does about 9/11 twenty years later.

I am going to go the other way by trying to post as much nice material about that day as I can.

I believe I posted this video before, but I’m going to do it again,

The World Trade Center was on the southern tip of Manhattan Island.  Many people who evacuated and headed south, found themselves trapped against the water, there were no bridges or tunnels south of the WTC that allowed them to get off the island and out of harm’s way.

What happened next was the largest civilian boat lift in American history as ferry operators, cater boats, and even guys with pleasure craft powered towards the island and the death and destruction to rescue strangers.

I knew about the Cajun Navy and Redneck Army that went in with fishing boats and mud boggers to rescue people in the Gulf states after hurricanes, I did not know that there was a New York version that did the same after 9/11.

That day was horrible beyond words to describe, but even in the worst of times there are Americans who rise to the occasion and give everything they have to help their fellow men, and today I want to celebrate that.

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By J. Kb

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