I had not checked the Comments’ Spam folder for a while and I noticed a post trapped there from a real human, one KG in Oregon.  It brought memories of out old friend Jason Kilgore AKA Baldr Odinson. And if it is you, Jason, don’t be afraid to let us know.

I wanna add my thoughts to his comments, so here I go:


Owning guns in the US is a HOBBY. The NRA is a CLUB for gun owners.

You sat POTATO, we say you are pissing way off the pot and deluded.

They aren’t crusaders for constitutional rights.

The constitutional rights you don’t like.

They aren’t a well trained, well regulated militia.

Do we need to revisit this again Jason KG?  According to Constitution.org:
The phrase “well-regulated” was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. Establishing government oversight of the people’s arms was not only not the intent in using the phrase in the 2nd amendment, it was precisely to render the government powerless to do so that the founders wrote it.

They’re a bunch of people with a HOBBY. They think that a little NRA collateral damage in the form of dead children is OK so long as they get to play with there assault toys.

And that is why we can’t have a real conversation to fix the real issues: You are full of crap and foaming at the mouth. Incendiary insults lead to nowhere other than the urgent need to make fun of you.

Does anyone know of another CLUB that defies regulation and can get large numbers of children killed at a moments notice for no reason at all?

The only  aggregate of idiots who can get large numbers of children killed at a moments notice for no reason at all are the ones that after almost 20 years still thinks Gun Free Zones in Schools actually protects Children. Don’t you belong to that club Jason KG?

 Maybe they could have done better but none of this is the fault of the FBI or police departments, or mental health professionals or anyone else on the front lines trying to serve and protect.

“Can do better” is applied to your teenage son or daughter if the second coat of varnish did not quite had the finish you wanted or if the Goulash just need one small pinch of salt. What the “FBI or police departments, or mental health professionals” did was a brutal dereliction of duty. And only a few gun control morons are even stepping to defend them… speaking about clubs anyway.

None of the deaths are on the heads of officers, doctors, record keepers or school officials. It’s the fault of a callus and self interested gun CLUB and the lawmakers they paid to put children in jeopardy. This has to end!

Dear Jason KG: It will end when Gun Free Zones are eliminated.  There have been three relevant mass shooting in Florida: The Fort Lauderdale Airport, Pulse Nightclub and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. All there had the same thing in common: They are, by law, Gun Free Zones. Coincidence that they were targets? I was going to say even you could not have the guts to deny it, but I am probably wrong about you having guts.

As for callous, I don’t know anybody in my circle who would not have gone toward the sound of gunfire to try to save the children. Maybe we would have failed, but probably not. But you and your cadre? I can imagine you hiding behind the School Resource Officer waiting for shit to die down  so you can tweet your indignation that serves as cover for your lack of Toxic Masculinity and advanced mental emasculation.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “A missed comment and complimentary corrections.”
  1. Let’s say for a crazy instant that millions of gun owners who are law-abiding are somehow culpable for “gun deaths” and mass murder events. (WE ARE NOT).

    BUT we are also able to intervene to stop them and often deter or mitigate them.

    The unarmed gun control advocates can only call 911 as you noted, and cannot really intervene in the crucial initial moments. In other words, they are useless.

    We are not part of the problem; we are part of the solution. That is reality.

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