My son is doing math equations.  He’s really advanced in math.  He was doing some at the breakfast table this morning.

Son: “Five plus what is eight?”

Me: “What ain’t no number I ever heard of.  Can you count on your fingers to what.”

Son: “What?”

Wife: “Say what one more time, I dare you.”

Daughter: (Meekly) “What.”

I don’t know if this is good parenting or bad parenting, but it came together so beautifully.  This is one of those times that reminds me how much I love my wife, that she can immediately jump into something like this, knowing exactly what I’m doing, and play her role perfectly.

And yes, my son knew the answer was three.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “A moment from this morning”
    1. >>Huh? You mean five? Or is this some common core thing?

      Not fair changing the original post and hanging me out to dry 🙂


  1. 2 weeks ago with my family around the dinner table…

    11 year old: “Daddy, am I ready for the sex talk?”
    My wife cuts in: “Do you like boobies?”
    11 year old AND 8 year old: “EEEEEEEW NOOOO!!!!”
    MY WIFE AND I: “You’re not ready for the sex talk…!”

    Everybody lost it! There’s still a place for family dinner at the table with no electronics at our house…

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