People, remember this is the Government we are talking about. The same people who cannot get the Postal Service above water and could not keep the smuggling of guns into Mexico covered even when run by the “best” legal & political minds of this administration.

Therefore I am not buying that the Aurora shooting was anything other than a whackjob with a wish to be famous/infamous and not a push for the UN Small Arms Treaty.

Carry on…

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “A quick note on Government Conspiracies”
  1. You don’t need a large conspiracy. You need only one whackjob doped up and mind controlled, two or three willing men to run him (who very well may be disposed of later by cut-outs) a compliant news media, and an orchestration.

    Think of an orchestra. The members of which are from different countries and speak different languages. Nobody knows what tune the conductor wants to play but one lone violinist. The conductor takes the podium, raises his baton, and begins to conduct. One member of the orchestra begins to play Rhapsody in Blue. The rest of the members recognize the music and join in. They play the piece beautifully to completion. The audience cheers. Now who actually “conspired”? How many people were “in on it”?

    1. Nobody knows what tune the conductor wants to play but one lone violinist

      And that right there is where the conspiracy falls apart. You are assuming the knows music. 🙂

      Conspiracy is based on the ability of a group to keep a secret. The more people know about the conspiracy….. Sorry, I just don’t buy the conspiracy behind every corner meme

      1. What often happens is that instead of the orchestra all joining in, the bassist is practicing riffs from ‘Soul Coughing’, the clarinets are all chatting about that new reality show, the pianist is off getting coffee, and the sole violinist is being ignored.

        The trouble with any organized plan is that some yutz 2-3 levels down is doing their own thing, and often that will be something that was not in the plan.

  2. Hell, if it wasn’t for the media covering for them, the present administration wouldn’t be able to get away with half the shit they do.

  3. The attractive thing about various Conspiracy Theories is Someone is in Control & Everything is going Acording to Plan. Because the idea that the world is run by a bunch of idiots in waaay over their heads with no real idea of what is happening* is kind of scary.

    *I was going to say ‘no plan at all’, but that’s not true. They have plans, sadly, those plans often have ‘???’ as step 2.

  4. Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead.

    Someone would talk. These “agents” go to bars. Someone would brag. Get heard. It can’t happen. Hey, they put on their pants one tentacle at a time like everyone else. They’re not Cthulhu.

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