Miguel did a follow up to my post about the couple that stood defense of their property from trespassers.

While I complete and totally support training for firearms owners, this is exactly why I abhorre the idea of mandatory training for firearms ownership.

Some of the comments I saw said that it looked like neither of them had actually used either gun before.

That may be true.

We have no idea how long they owned these guns.  They very well may have been emergency purchasers following the riots less than a month ago.

Putting up roadblocks to gun ownership only harms those who need guns now.

The woman who was threatened by an ex should get training, but it’s more important that she has a gun right the fuck right now to defend herself than after she takes a class next week or next month after she’s been murdered.

Perfection is the enemy of good enough.

We should encourage training.

We should not be condescending and mean to people who for all we know have been gun owners for a handful of days or weeks because their eyes were open to the reality of “you are on your own” since last month.

If you are just concern trolling, please jam you opinion wrist feel up your asshole.

If you are really concerned, find someone who is a new panic buyer and offer to train them for free.

What you shouldn’t do is be “that guy” because you’ve spent years practicing for this moment and they haven’t.   The point is to encourage more law abiding gun ownership and self reliance.  Not shit on people for not looking like a professional fireteam.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

15 thoughts on “A quick thought on the St. Louis couple with guns”
  1. I keep trying to follow your advice. Maybe it’s just me, but I get a lot less interest from new gun owners than you’d think. And I never ask for payment.
    Yes, I have NRA credentials, too, for what that’s worth.

    1. I see the same thing. I offer to take most acquaintances to the range (for free, of course, my small contribution to 2A preservation) . Less than 1 in 20 follows through.

  2. At the very least, we should spread the Word of the Five Rules of Gun Safety. And be polite about it — more flies with honey and all that.

  3. Had they stood to, LBE on, 8 spare mags, finger and muzzle discipline etcetera, they’d be disparaged as “Tactical Timmy”, or “mall ninjas”.

    J.Kb., I’m with you. As a buddy of mine once phrased it, ” Homeboy, run along and find someplace else to die today!”

    1. That’d probably go over worse for the ones complaining. ‘They were just waiting to shoot people/they were stockingpiling guns for this!’ or some other nonsense.

      I wouldn’t normally say that it’s good that they pointed their weapons at the mob, but it certainly got their point across, so it’s hard to say it was wrong too.

  4. Great post!!! Very well stated. If thugs are trying to harm you, burn your house, molest your wife, etc. all you need to know at that moment is, be sure gun is loaded, point end with hole in it toward Bad Person, and squeeze trigger thing until Bad Person stops. Unless you prefer to call 911 and eventually talk to the police from the inside of the ambulance, or as you watch the firemen extinguish what is left of your home. Granted, training is vital but the trips to the range сan wait until after the immediate threat is eliminated. And i agree about offering to help newbies by taking them and teaching all the basics; a lot of people who were neutral or even vaguely uneasy about guns, have changed their minds after someone took them shooting a couple of times. (Main thing here, imho, is NOT to introduce them to shooting by giving them a 338 Lapua, or a .50 Desert Eagle, and scaring them off – start with a .22 if possible, )

  5. I have been repeating it for years: there should be a short mandatory course on firearm safety in high schools paid for by federal government. Or local, although in my opinion, it is federal Constitution, so feds should pay 🙂

    Want to save money locally for it – – toss guitar or theater (just off the top of my head what my kids HAD to take) . Public school has to be for essential knowledge only, let parents pay separate for frills.

    We had some firearms instruction in school in the old country plus field medicine. Useful stuff.

    P. S. Also, a proper civics course. How many adults here know what jury nullification is?

  6. My advice to the home owners (after inviting them to the range with me) would have been for the lady of the house to buy a cute AR-15. AR-15 is a perfect woman’s weapon: easily adjustable to a smaller frame, not too heavy and low-recoil. A pistol is nice, of course, too. Buy why not have both?

    1. Your advice of an AR-15 for the lady is an excellent idea. After all, I believe I saw that they were both attorneys in a million dollar property in a gated community. I’m sure two AR-15s would probably fit in the family budget somehow… Matching AR-15s, sounds kind of romantic to me, shows how much you care, to give the gift of life preservation….

  7. Making fun of them is the same mentality that causes a gun owner to hand his wife or girlfriend a 500 S&W revolver or a shotgun and then video record her getting knocked on her ass by recoil while he yucks it up at her stupidity. Sure, he got a cheap laugh, but he just turned a woman who was interested in shooting into a woman who wants nothing to do with guns.

  8. I spent the money to get certified in alot of different instructor courses. Then our state passed constitutional carry and peoples attitude was “ dont need a permit, dont need the course” scarey. I even offer to do a basic course for free. Oh well. I have run in to people with permits who didnt know it was a felony to carry on school grounds!

    1. I live in a constitutional carry state as well, and the courts are full of people who think they know the law, but don’t. Had a co-worker face manslaughter charges because of it. (Trial still pending). It was not a matter of being able to hit the target, it was not knowing the law.

      1. Like attorney Andrew Branca says, “You carry a gun so you’re hard to kill. Know the law so you’re hard to convict.”

  9. I have no real issues with how this guy and his wife handled this. Were mistakes made? Sure. But no big deal. Property and life saved, and Leftists infuriated. Mission accomplished.

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