And the crime was particular hideous, so I understand why this online response to cyber idjits was less than “polite”:

Click to enlarge


Here are some of the highlights:

Court documents say that on September 16, the FBI provided the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office with pictures sent to the FBI as a cyber tip. Some of those photos showed Rainwater partially nude in a cage. Other pictures showed Rainwater’s body bound to a gantry crane device. Authorities say this device is commonly used for processing wild game. That same day Phelps was arrested.

During the execution of a search warrant, investigators on the scene of the Moon Valley Road property found the gantry crane, potential blood evidence, and items from a freezer that appeared to be human flesh dated July 24.

Norton told investigators that Phelps asked him to go to the property while Rainwater was sleeping. The documents indicated the two would attack her while Norton held down her legs and Phelps strangled her. Authorities say the men then hung her body on the gantry and Norton helped Phelps dismember the body.

And if J Kb can find a bit of space, I believe the gents accused in this case may need a trip to the woodchipper if found guilty.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “A well deserved dress down”
  1. Other countries where I have lived have the ‘sub judice’ rule which would make his exaggerated claim about the Best Legal System even better. This rule prevents the publication of any details anywhere until a case is brought to court.

    Imagine what that would do here. It would prevent the media trying a case based on rumors and leaks like the Rittenhouse case.

      1. Which is what the Sheriff did: Exercised his First Amendment right and chastised assholes making up shit for Instagram hits.

        You do have the right to speak freely, but you don’t have the right to be insulated from criticism.

    1. Robert Heinlein, in one of his late novels (“Number of the Beast” I think — an “alternate timelines” story) described a world in which “an eye for an eye” was taken literally and produced the practice of “balancing”. It meant that a criminal convicted of some harm to others was subjected to the same harm. In the story, a reckless driver who had driven over a pedestrian’s leg was stretched out in that intersection, a car drove over his leg, there was a 15 minute timed wait, and then an ambulance appeared to take him away to have the crushed leg amputated.

  2. Back in the 80s when states were moving from Old Sparky to Ride-the-Needle, a bill was introduced in the Oklahoma state legislature to execute murderers the same way they killed their victims. It died (har!), predictably, and for good reason: Where would you find someone willing to do the things that the murderer had done to another human being? (Or any living thing, for that matter.)

  3. The downfall of civilization will be social media.

    Everything that is wrong with the Rittenhouse, Zimmerman, and Chauvin trials is traceable directly to mob getting all their information from InstaTwitFace.

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