From the New York Post:

California proposes curriculum on Aztec god honored by human sacrifice

The California Department of Education has proposed an ethnic studies “model curriculum” that includes, among other things, chanting the names of Aztec gods in an attempt to build unity among schoolchildren.

Included in the draft curriculum is a list of “lesson resources” with a chant based on “In Lak Ech,” which it describes as “love, unity, mutual respect,” and “Panche Be,” which it describes as “seeking the roots of truth.”

The chant starts with a declaration that “you are my other me” and “if I do harm to you, I do harm to myself.” Before chanting the name of the Aztec god Tezkatlipoka, the text reads: “Seeking the roots of the truth, seeking the truth of the roots, elders and us youth, (youth), critical thinking through.”

It adds: “Tezkatlipoka, Tezkatlipoka, x2 smoking mirror, self-reflection Tezkatlipoka.”

Tezkatlipoka is the name of an Aztec god that was honored with human sacrifice. According to the World History Encyclopedia, an impersonator of Tezkatlipoka would be sacrificed with his heart removed to honor the deity.

The California curriculum’s introduction argued that the program would help marginalized groups.

“By affirming the identities and contributions of marginalized groups in our society, ethnic studies helps students see themselves and each other as part of the narrative of the United States,” it read. “Importantly, this helps students see themselves as active agents in the interethnic bridge-building process we call American life.”

The guiding principles included goals including, “celebrate and honor Native People/s of the land and communities of Black Indigenous People of Color.” Another guiding principle read: “Center and place high value on the pre-colonial, ancestral knowledge, narratives, and communal experiences of Native people/s and people of color and groups that are typically marginalized in society.”

The “chants, affirmations, and energizers,” the curriculum read, “can be used as energizers to bring the class together, build unity around ethnic studies principles and values, and to reinvigorate the class following a lesson that may be emotionally taxing or even when student engagement may appear to be low.”

I’m not shocked by this at all.

The Aztec empire was essentially a giant death cult.

In 1487, the Aztecs sacrificed 84,000 people in four days to consecrate a temple.  Spanish Conquistadors wrote about the racks of human skulls of the victims of sacrifice in Aztec cities which the Aztecs believes were necessary to feed the gods and continue the world.  Some of those racks have been found and have an estimated 130,000 skulls on them.

When the weather was dry the Aztecs sacrificed people.  When it rained, they sacrificed more.  The only thing the Aztec empire did was go to war to conquer surrounding tribes for slaves to sacrifice.  They built only temples for sacrifice.  Their astronomy was conducted only to determine what time of year was best for sacrifice.  It was a death cult, not a civilization, and it was doomed to failure.

This is not unlike pure totalitarian Leftism.  The purist Leftist ideologue knows only one thing, that if enough of the right people are murdered that will make the crops grow, the trains run on time, and produce plenty for the people.  Every totalitarian regime ever in history started with human liquidation, and whenever they hit a rough patch continued the human liquidation.

The only substantive difference is that the Aztecs believed they were feeding an actual god while totalitarian Leftists had Marxist economic theory.

So for Marxists to support the reinstitution of Aztec religion makes perverse sense.  They have no idea how to create or maintain a healthy functioning society, but they are absolutely sure that they can somehow produce plenty for everyone as long as they have a steady supply of enemies to murder.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Actually this makes a lot of sense when you realize the commonality is a religion based on human sacrifice”
  1. Frightening, too. Tezcatlipoca was not a deity to be casually invoked. He was the rival of Quetzalcoatl. Per Wikipedia:

    ‘he is associated with a wide range of concepts, including the night sky, the night winds, hurricanes, the north, the earth, obsidian, enmity, discord, rulership, divination, temptation, jaguars, sorcery, beauty, war, and strife.’

    Yeah, that’s TOTALLY someone I want kids to be praying to. Why not toss in Cthulhu for good measure?

  2. Where is the hue and cry against teaching religion – any religion – on the public dime?

  3. White woke Apparatchiks want to “honor” the Aztec culture that was so hated by surrounding Native Americans that they allied with the Spanish Conquistadors to overthrow the Aztec Empire. By the way, for the Aztecs, children were especially valuable as sacrifices. At least the Aztecs had their reasons for human sacrifice, the progressive abortionists aren’t trying to appease angry gods, their motivation is to ensure potential mothers aren’t inconvenienced by her lack of practicing birth control.

  4. Funny thing is that this will promote unity *against* itself.
    The conquistadors are generally credited with the downfall of the Aztecs, but they had a backing army made up of all the local tribes and empires who were routinely raided by the Aztecs for sacrifices. Once the tribes realized this foreign force perceived as gods by their enemies were allowed into the gates, they jumped at the chance to destroy the death cult.
    This ruling… will probably have much the same result, even if only ideologically.

    1. We should certainly hope it will have that effect.

      I’m amazed at the absurdity of the phrase “Black Indigenous People of Color”.

      1. At a guess, they started with the acronym – catchy, easy to pronounce – and made the rest fit.

    2. A while back I read a novel based on that bit of history — which wasn’t one I didn’t know, but I guessed from the book had some connection to actual events. “The White Conquerors: A Tale of Toltec and Aztec” by Kirk Munroe (1908)

  5. “What has been will be again,
    what has been done will be done again;
    there is nothing new under the sun”

    Ecclesiastes 1:9

    Worship of abominations and child sacrifice are nothing new, sadly. We know how this story ends.

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