How to make me lose my shit:

  1. Attack a Children’s Hospital.
  2. Terrorize a little girl.
  3. Yell at the top of your lings “FUCK THAT KID!”

And I am not a parent. I can’t imagine what a father or a mother watching this would feel.

Leave your thoughts in the comments.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

19 thoughts on “Again, this is why sometimes it is hard to be a good person.”
  1. Is this Texas Children’s Hospital?

    ‘Refrain from the use of tobacco products, e-cigarettes, alcohol, unauthorized use of prescription medication, drugs, possessing or carrying weapons on any Texas Children’s property.’

    The children’s hospital my kids go to does not allow any ‘weapons’ either. Surprisingly, the state does not prohibit firearms at medical facilities. It is solely hospital’s decision.

    There is no security visible in the video.

    And one has no means to defend oneself, carrying a sick child.

    At least the car starts.

    I have been in really bad situations in my life and kept reasonably cool head. I am not sure I would be able to do that in these circumstances.

    1. “Please refrain…” sounds like a suggestion, not a requirement, so you should be free to disregard it and carry. Besides, if you carry concealed, how would they know?

      1. In my state it is a requirement, alas, with extremely unpleasant repercussions if you are found out.

    1. Only if the honey is waiting outside the hospital. Children’s hospitals around Huston prohibit ‘weapons’ on premises. Same as hospitals in my area.

      How the hell can one protect one’s kid?

  2. My first question is why did this take his daughter in to that situation. Once he saw the mob was around his car, he should have retreated to somewhere safe. You should never approach a mob like that, and for God’s sake don’t take you kids anywhere near something like that.

    That being said, if it had been me, there’s a fair chance …….well, I won’t go there, but as said above, endanger kids, especially my kids, and the black flag goes up.

    1. (*More folks need to listen to Michael Bane’s podcasts.)

      I haven’t seen such a blatant lack of situational awareness in a long time. It’s obvious that father never previsualized how he’d react in a situation anywhere near that. He was running strictly on lizard brain autopilot.

      Good gravy, man! You can buy another car but not another daughter. Never enter a situation like that willingly. Leave!

  3. In my state, No Guns Allowed signs are not prohibitive to concealed carry. All of the hospitals and medical centers have the gun in a circle with a line through them and the words “No weapons allowed.”

    In this state, IF you are found to be carrying in a place that has such signs up, they can ask you to leave and you should. If you don’t leave, the cops can be called on you and the cops will escort you off the property.

    If you refuse, you will be arrested for misdemeanor trespassing and removed.

    The only places where you are actually prohibited from carrying are post office (and PO property) and parts of court houses.

    For example, I was carrying in the district court, I just couldn’t go past the security checkpoint into the court rooms. In the circuit court, the entire building is past the security checkpoint.

    Most of the time the guards are cool there. But I did have two give me a hard time about having an empty holster on my belt… They wanted me to take it off and when I refused, I had to get a supervisor involved.

    1. In my state the signs are prohibitive.
      You are insanely lucky, if they do not call police.

      But even if security just asks you to leave, what about your kid, for whom you came to the hospital?

      On the positive side, I found a hospital not too far away where you can surrender your weapon upon entrance and get it back upon exit. So you are armed while exiting the hospital and can try to get security to exit with you as a back up.

      It should work in an emergency.

    1. I have to disagree here. The 152MM gun-launcher that the M551 Sheridan carried had a canister round.

      A few rounds of canister would result in a crowd that would be dispersed into a fine mist….

  4. That’s about what I was thinking. Oh look, target rich environment.

    Boy, these dumb bastards just go out of their way to make themselves unlikable. Every time I get a reminder of how damn obnoxious and officious and shitty cops can be (like, say, Duncan Lemp) — I see this and my reaction is ‘I hope they bean you with tear gas grenades, you animals’.

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