I saw this online about the Buffalo mass shooting.


The attacker’s body armor defeated the retired police officer turned security guard’s handgun rounds.

Body armor is becoming more prevalent and almost all of it will defeat common handgun ammo.

Body armor snobs may sneer at AR-500 plates, but for less than $200 anyone can outfit themselves with armor that will block virtually 100% of the types of rounds that people who carry concealed carry.  You may not have the ability to run out to your car and grab your AR loaded with green tip, you have to fight with that you have on you.

Body armor is intended to protect the vital organs: heart, lungs, aorta, liver, spleen.

Those are the ones that if get hit, you die fast.

The liver and spleen are big blood sponges, a liver or spleen hit is massive internal blood loss.

There is no free lunch, the more armor covers the more it weighs and the less mobile the wearer becomes.

This is a good diagram of what armor covers:


This is for a plate but soft armor panels are generally the same.  They may be bigger but don’t protect within two inches of the edge.

Now let me introduce you to the pelvic girdle:


That is a lot of major nerves and big arteries in a major load bearing structure of the lower body.

Shatter the pelvis and you will totally immobilize the victim.

Hit any of those nerves and you cause paralysis of at least one leg.

Hit any of those arteries and bleeding out is under a minute.

Forget the infamous Mozambique Drill.

Head shots are hard and this asshole was wearing a helmet anyway.

If your enemy is wearing body armor, your job is to put as many rounds as you can between the top of his dick and bottom of his belly button.

Aim for his belt buckle.

Internally, you are trying to hit the bottom of the abdominal aorta, iliac artery, lumbar spine, and sacrum.

It may not be as instant a kill as a heart shot, but I guarantee you will plant that fucker right there and severely interrupt his ability to continue his rampage.

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By J. Kb

16 thoughts on “Aim low”
  1. I’ve always figured nuts to navel, hip to hip, knock’ em down and keep shooting in the bottom up, top down, side to side and keep shooting till the demon stops bouncing. All bypassing the armor.

  2. 100% correct. Even if you don’t take the shooter down, a shattered pelvic girdle renders him immobile. This is one of those cases where a larger, slower bullet is better than a faster one. (for all values of handgun)
    Normally, a 9mm is just as effective as a 45. Until you want to shatter bone. Then you are looking for fat and slow instead of small and quick. A 230 grain hollowpoint from a .45, or a 240 grain hollow point from a .44 magnum, that strikes the pelvic girdle will make a person unable to stand upright.
    Mass shooters need to be mobile. If nothing else, you have just kept a mass shooter from being able to stalk and chase his victims, and have thus lowered the body count.

  3. That area and the upper chest above armor IF possible. Yup its gonna be an interesting summer

    1. You are correct. I got the wrong African city that starts with an M and had a civil war.

      But it is a failure drill. Everyone fails at doing it. Most people end up shooting over the top of the target. That’s the advantage of trying to blow the bad guy’s dick off. When you pull up you hit the lower spine.

      1. Oh, I understand.

        It’s just others with less knowledge might be confused and it doesn’t hurt to correct it.

        I’m also on the shoot what you can hit from cover train.

        I think Mas wrote something about pelvis as a failure drill target years ago.

        At least that’s what I remember, so I’ve been practicing since.

  4. Plenty of BFA (big freaking arteries) in the pelvis. Part of why “pelvic binders” are in the repertoire of medics. “Close the book”, attenuate the bleed.

    Too bad for Mr. Shooter. I’ma keep cover/concealment, and watch for his partner. Sucks that that means, should I be able to give him an effective pelvic strike, he’ll bleed out while I’m looking for his buddy.

    And, thanks, guys, for the refresher on “bad guys and armor”. Hope I never need it.

  5. I believe The SOB (Sherriff of Baghdad) has …a Lesson of what he calls “Stiching.”

    Start at the PG and keep pressing threw the recoil right up to the CPU.

    Best to practice this. Jusss sayin.

  6. I’ve been through training in which “couple inches in and couple inches low from the L-R ends of the belt line” was taught; the goal is to put the person on the ground where they become a stationary target which one can deal with at one’s leisure (for various values of “leisure”…). Side point: Aiming at the ground/floor about 3-4 inches in front of the head or neck will “skip” bullets into those points, so lower is better than higher there, too, and the inner third of the lowest horizontal thigh is where the femoral artery is.

    After years and years of “center mass” instruction it’s difficult making the switch, but I’m “forcing a re-learn” due the prevalence of body armor. T-shirt and jeans, center mass, anything else it’s the hips, get ’em down first then perform Step 2.

    FYI, the hemmed edge of slash pockets on jeans is in the ballpark.

    And Divemedic is right – big, heavy, slow bullets is key – you want to shatter bone and violently distribute fragments, not just punch a small hole through it.

  7. Something to think about if you have Antifa types with body armor running rampant in your neighbourhood…

    Crossbow bolts will go right through a level III vest…

    And are fairly quiet..

  8. Another advantage: a shot placed in the forehead a la Mozambique screams “intent to kill” to a prosecutor who may be inclined to charge in a self defense situation. Shots in the pelvis do not.

    Unless we talk about it too much.

  9. one trick from the old days was to bounce your rounds up into the target. real easy to do with a shotgun. we where taught how to do that for riot control, shouldn’t kill anyone, but it made it damn hard to run or walk.
    hips and lips is also what we where taught. and that was before body armor too.

  10. Aaahhh this is why I love my 200-220 grain 10mm carry. Its a brick and a reminder to lose weight but darned if I’m not comfortable and confident in it.

    Mags, radios, whatever on the chest? Shoot em in the junkular region. Assume its armor or they were nice to a kitten that day and a mag will stop your round.

    I wonder if anyone makes overlay targets for armor and chest rigs. If not shouldn’t be hard to make some and spice up training with an armor drill. Would be a treat for a course of fire.

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