Sad Alyssa is sad.

You figure they would have a new script. But still you have to give her props for keeping with the bull.

I wonder how would they feel if they actually saw the real numbers of firearms populating the country. According to ATF’s 2019 Firearms Commerce In the United States, the year 2017 (last one in the report) a total of 8,327,792 firearms were manufactured in the US. Not all remain in country though but 488,300 went to see other pastures beyond our frontiers or only 5.5% of the production. But wait! There is more!  We actually imported 4,305,851 fireams from sources abroad bringing the total of firearms in commerce in the USA for the year of the Lord 2017 to 12,633,643.

This ain’t chicken feed. That is enough guns in one year to arm several of the top armies of the world.  For 2018, ammunition manufacturers  produced 8.1 billion rounds of ammunition for the civilian market and out of that the most I heard the Federal government spend is just over 1 billion dollars.

The practical principle of Gun Control is dead, there is no way it can be achieved physically even with great loss of life. The problem is most of the Antis do not mind you dying a gruesome death and the believe themselves immune to the bloodbath they are pushing. We underrated better and that is why we continue to fight at the legislative and legal level.  We know once that switch is flipped, the consequences will be permanent.

PS: Alyssa’s botox job does not look half bad.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Alyssa Milano and the Coronavirus Gun Surge”
  1. OFFS! Please shut it already.

    Her husband must not be taking care of biz. If he was, she’d be less pissy.

  2. I absolutely agree with her, we shouldn’t allow dangerous firearms into our homes. So I don’t buy guns that malfunction or blow up in my face.

    Not sure that there really are that many dangerous firearms out there…

  3. “ The practical principle of Gun Control is dead, there is no way it can be achieved physically even with great loss of life.“

    I would almost agree with you but I think they’re not that stupid. At least the ones who actually are in charge. They are however quite insane and they consider any means they take to achieve their goal of liberal utopia as acceptable no matter what it is. Combined with Their viewpoint that human life has no value except extrinsic value in relation to helping the state one can suspect where that combination goes. They want not only just all gun owners dead they want every single registered Republican dead, every single solitary conservative dead, every single white male dead, every single white female that votes for Republicans dead, Every single Trump supporter dead, every single Trump voter dead, every single Jew that doesn’t vote Democrat dead, every single person that Has black or brown skin that votes Republican dead, literally every single solitary human being in the country that opposes them dead. Now that’s a lot of people and the American people I would think overall would oppose the United States government killing hundreds of millions of its own citizens even some democrats. However in the mind of a leftist everyone that opposes The government killing everyone in those groups should also be killed for opposing the state of just verbally and so on and so forth. That’s why I say they have no problem or would have no problem with a complete extermination of all human life in the country minus themselves and illegals. Because that’s all they care about and seemingly the only people they care about. In their mind they can just re-populate the Country by opening up the borders and letting in mass amounts of brown people. That part does sound racist but do their actions make you think otherwise at all?

    They want that switch flipped. They know it will bring about a complete change the country but they are certain of there victory And if things get out of hand just drop a few hundred nukes. The united nations would actually applaud the action. You are also dealing with a Political ideology that literally views the human race itself as a parasitic infection in need of complete elimination or at least a massive cull. These people actually desire the extinction of the human race. And Americans are considered the worst of the worst in their mind so they must be the first go.

    Everything I said was completely insane. However as time goes on it seems less and less insane.

  4. Someone (or several high-profile someones) needs to reply to her and politely point out that even with all those shiny new guns in circulation, many in the hands of first-time buyers…

    … the “gun death” rate has not gone up. It’s still trending down most places.

    Ergo, more guns DOES NOT EQUAL more “gun death”. It cannot. That hypothesis is fully disproved and debunked by the data.

    And being someone who “knows” the truth about guns, she does understand the importance of data, right?

    1. Archer, you’re right of course. But that fact has been crystal clear and well documented for decades if not centuries. It doesn’t matter to these people, because honesty and decency and reality are not considerations they have any interest in.

  5. One does wonder how many guns she personally has (the Special Important Leftist Exemption is at play here), and how many her bodyguards have.

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