Stolen from 90 Miles from Tyranny
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Like AR pistol braces and Shockwave not-a-shotguns, Americans are great at finding our way around arbitrary bullshit rules.
The ritual consumption of the deceased was part of the funeral traditions among the Fore of Papua New Guinea. And doing it cross-species avoids the side effects the Fore suffered.
So it’s not just a funeral, it’s an important part of an indigenous culture!
I will pass out neck gaiters, as our friends and neighbors, Antifa, employ.
At *our* house, we will hold a “mostly peaceful protest” of governor Wretched Hitler’s power grab(s).
Featuring the ritual sacrifice of The Turkey.
Neck gators?
I refer to them as “cranial tourniquet”. Not mine originally, I’m pretty sure; it feels like a Neil Smith phrase.
I had 3 turkey pets.. ..had to shoot them all.. all that means is I am
Having a large gathering for mourning.
Time to serve a little “Jack”, and pumpkin pie alamode.
As an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church, we will be holding a religious observance, including a reading and discussion of Psalm 111.
That we hold our discussion over a large meal that just happens to include a lot of Thanksgiving staples, because that is what is in season and on sale, is divine intervention. Atheists may call it a coincidence if they like — that is their right as Americans — but we’ll call it divine influence. 😉
(No, I did not get ordained just for this; I did it last summer to preside over two friends’ wedding. But the ordination doesn’t expire, and I feel like the Almighty would be on our side in this, so….)
We all know that god has a sense of humor.
Just take a look at the platypus.