By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

18 thoughts on “Ammo: Slim pickins in our local Wally World.”
  1. Winchester model 94 lever action in 30-30 was my very first firearm. Bought it on my 18th birthday, saving up while working my part time job in high school. Still own it, still remember the gun store I bought it from, though they are long gone.

    I have never (even during the last few panic buys where all the ammo was gone) NOT been able to find 30-30 ammo of some sort.

    Fun to shoot, too. I highly recommend, just because.

  2. My local Academy Sports says they get 50 boxes of 9mm per shipment, three times a week. It’s all gone by 9.30am that day. This is with a strict purchase limit. We’ve been here before.

  3. The old nam duffer down the road swears by his 22-250, and you gotta take him at his word for it, there are lots of coyote sculls with little round holes right through and through layin about to prove it.

  4. And my lady keeps a Winchester 30-30 carbine in her saddle pack. Great gun, and real easy to shoot well.

  5. 23-250 is a very popular caliber here (rural Australia) with professional kangaroo shooters in the wide open areas. I used to use .223 for this but it was semi timber region and no shots past 150 metres.

    I’ve seen foxes shot at 400 metres with 22-250.

  6. You don’t have either a .30-30 or a .22-250??? Shame on you!

    A lever gun is as close as you can get to an AR in my native California.
    Yeah, that’s a slight exaggeration, but not by much.

    And the Savage .22-250 keeps the Barbarians at the Gate at 500 yards. Heh.

    Seriously. Get the lever gun. A hoot to shoot. Just ask Lucas McCain.

  7. 22-250 is a high speed lo drag kinda round. Fast and flat shooting. Wallyworld here will not sell ANY handgun ammo or 223 762×39. Or BB PISTOLS. the northeast-land of stupidity

  8. Once Walmart fully capitulated and stopped selling handgun ammo I swore off of them. The only reason I even set foot in goddamn Walmart is because my mom wants to buy groceries there and cannot drive or walk more than 100 feet. She’s the kind of old lady that likes to go to five grocery stores in one day and buy different things in each one depending on the deals they have.

    You go online, $600 for a case of 5.56 after shipping and taxes. If you can find it. $400 for a case of .40S&W.

    Fuck that.

    Either I’ll just wait for everything to calm down or will be stuck saving an entire paycheck to pay for one case of ammo.

    Makes me glad I bought a case of 5.56 back in February. I should’ve just dipped into my savings and bought two or three. I also managed to get four bricks of .22LR. Considering how the far left wants to exterminate us it’s kind of hard to stockpile more ammo to use defending yourself when you can’t fucking find it. And what really pisses me off is it the people buying all the shit are the same fucking people that are going to vote for Joe Biden and support the far left And everything they do including rioting and destruction of property either passively or fully. The same people who six months ago wanted guns banned and probably still do. At least they are not as bad as your average Supreme Court justice. At least the vast majority of all these idiot Democrats and liberals buying all this shit Are not if the opinion all guns should be banned, confiscated, and that all gun owners should be exterminated with nuclear carpet bombing like the supreme courts wants to have happen. Some would say I’m being sarcastic and hyperbolic with that last sentence. I’m not.

    And for everyone saying you need to get into reloading, how? Everything is fucking gone. Sure you might have brass; where are your primers?

    1. Wow. I just checked my standard places to purchase primers. All out of stock.

      I hadn’t noticed as I had purchased my primers before the CCP virus hit.

      Maybe there is something to this prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

  9. Sorry. I started stocking up on powder, primers, and bullets about 10 years ago. I’d get something every paycheck. Every 4th time I bought ammo. A few years ago (I can’t remember) there was a big run on reloading supplies, and my local was out of most everything. When that wound down, I sucked it up and paid the higher prices for more supplies, and bought larger amounts of ammo. If and when this blows over, and the shelves are restocked, you might think about cancelling the family vacation and use that money for stocking up. The time may come when there will be nothing available no matter the cost. My logistics situation is ok now, but I’m worried about how defensible my house is. Trying to come up with a plan. I can’t afford an 8- foot steel fence around my property– at least, not yet…

  10. There is more stock of the greatest round ever developed. A two time World War Champ and that was the round fired in the greatest battle rifle ever made. 30/06 is no joke and I don’t know why we gave up on it. It can take any four legged or two legged game in North America. It is very effective in either semi auto or bolt action rifle. And if you save up your pennys you can buy the Ohio Ordnance HBAR or the Nemo long action Ar 10 in 30/06. Or you go to boogalo with a M1 Garand.

  11. On reloading: the place I work at part-time has had a huge increase in people buying reloading equipment and components in the last few months. Powder’s not bad at this time, but small pistol(9mm) and small rifle(.223) primers are sold out as of today when I checked. Almost ALL of them, including match and magnum. Only SR we had left was some Remington 6 1/2, which are not considered safe to use in .223/5.56.

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