I just posted this in the Facebook page of Pink Pistols and since I owe at least one post to the blog, I might as well share it here.


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This is going to be a long post, so I ask you to bear with me.
Another member of this page posted earlier about the choice of wording some of the new non-LGBT arrivals use and whether or not they share the same philosophy. I will admit that there are some of us that qualify as being barely above house-broke and that our lack of knowledge can be more than a dash insulting. We are a confrontational and argumentative bunch, plus we like to lay our cards on the table from the get-go so there are no misconceptions about who we are. That attitude will surely rub some people the wrong way and we understand, but also understand that we are not trying to be insulting or belittling, we are just frank about where we stand.
If you are new to the Gun Culture, you need to understand that Gun Owners disagree in a bunch of items: from effective pistol calibers (no such thing, really) to AK versus AR to types of training to holsters to books and the list is eternal and deeply felt.
What we are not divided is in the Second Amendment and the Right of the People to own and carry the best tools for personal defense. It is like if you are a Red Sox fan in the middle of a NY Yankees convention (others), you’d expect a fairly amount of “negativity” aimed at yours, but the moment your 2A rights are in peril, you will see all them “Yankees” standing behind you in support, flipping the bird at the real enemy and telling him to go perform anatomically impossible acts. Once the threat is over, well… arguments will flourish once again.
It has been mentioned somewhere that Medieval Japan was a hand: Five independent fingers that when threatened, gathered together and formed a fist to strike at the enemy. That is the Gun Culture. That is us and all those who choose to join us.
With that being said, I must now issue a warning: You will be insulted, scorned, threatened and despised. But not from us but by the Gun Control cadre. If you decided to become a gun owner and are open about it, be ready to be called a traitor for starters. Then get ready for the avalanche that is sure to follow.
We have been called Mass Killers, eunuchs, insane, perverts, both faggots and homophobic almost at the same time (Not sure how that works.) If you happen to be a parent that owns guns and make the “mistake” of teaching your kids how to shoot, you are an irresponsible bastard or cunt that needs to have the kids taken away by Child Services. Your Opposition will have no problem with you dying, in fact many wish you do so in the worst possible manner, some have gone as wishing that your family also suffers a painful death. They have no issues with mass incarceration of Gun Owners without due process and wish the Administration do so right before mass executions… which makes the George Takei’s Gun Control comments some of the most ironic shit ever posted online.
So, once again, I apologize for the stuff you may hear from some in our Culture that may seem brash, but rest assured we are behind you. You have our support to remain alive and to own the best tools for the job. You cannot and should not expect the same consideration from some people who just a week ago were “on your side.”
And one more thing: It will be your job to convince them why you are right and why is necessary. It will not be easy at all since you will be fighting years of institutional inertia moving in one direction. You are the Fifth Column.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “An Open Letter to LGBTs joining the Gun Culture.”
  1. It is like if you are a Red Sox fan in the middle of a NY Yankees convention (others), you’d expect a fairly amount of “negativity” aimed at yours, but the moment your 2A rights are in peril, you will see all them “Yankees” standing behind you in support, flipping the bird at the real enemy and telling him to go perform anatomically impossible acts.

    Indeed, and this is a fantastic analogy that I may have to steal.

    Red Sox fans and Yankee fans don’t get along … until baseball itself is in the crosshairs. THAT is one thing they agree on and will fight together to defend.

    Same with real 2A proponents (e.g. not “Fudds” or “Second Amendment BUTs”). We disagree, sometimes vehemently, about .45/.40/9mm, about Glock vs. 1911, about AR vs. AK, about revolvers vs. semi-autos, about leather/Kydex/hybrid, about .223/5.56mm vs. 7.62mm, about strong-side/appendix/cross-draw/shoulder-holster carry, about OC vs. CC, about knife vs. baton vs. OC spray as a backup … everything. We all have different opinions on the what, how, and why of firearms. But when the 2A is threatened, we all somehow set aside our differences and fight as one, for one reason:

    Because the statists can’t come after any of us without affecting all of us.

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