Oh My Lord, the racist cops (please ignore the black officers in the video) just shot a Black man for no reason! BLM and all that shit!

Rickasha Montgomery, who filmed the video, said she was taking a relative to Broussard when she saw the cop cars. She pulled out her phone and started to film.

She saw about six officers with guns pulled out, she said. When she panned the phone, she saw a man holding what she said appeared to be a knife. Then officers tased him, but he kept walking.

Officers were yelling for the man to get on the ground, the 18-year-old said. But when the man reached the door of the Shell gas station, officers shot him.

One person shot by Lafayette Police, Louisiana State Police investigating

So, by the looks of it and the statement of the maker of the video, police have been following this armed man, commanding him to get on the ground (and probably to drop the knife, shot him with a taser which failed to work, kept following him till he was about to enter a store with people which could have become victims and only then shot him.

Hell yeah, that was an old Louisiana lynching right there. For all the cops knew, the man was on its way to work at the gas station convenience store and had a knife because he was supposed to chop the onions for the hot dogs and chili they sell. Or maybe he had a hankering for iced tea and Skittles.

I swear Benjamin Crump is making Al Sharpton look good.

PS: And in case the Tweet gets memory holed.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “And a word from our favorite (alleged) Racial Shyster.”
  1. Like facts matter. Like what just happened in Chicago, armed criminal shoots at cops and gets shot in return. Social media spreads the rumor that the cops shot an unarmed child for no reason. $60m+ in looting and destruction later it’s all the cops’/white supremacists’ fault still, no matter the videos that were released.

  2. Right and wrong defined by what group you’re a member of, not by any objective standard. No matter what actually happened; no waiting for facts or investigations; just distrust, disdain, hatred and contempt for the other.

    This is tribalism, or identity politics in today’s lingo … not a quest for justice, not a desire for answers. Just pure green vs. purple.

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