By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “And back in Australia…..”
      1. Go watch that movie. In once scene, Mic Dundee gets picked up by the NYPD, a cop on horseback gives him a ride back to his hotel, then hands him back his knife.

        If you had a knife like that on you in NYC today, the cops would fire 97 rounds at you, hit you 4 times, strike three innocent people in the cross fire, then let everybody bleed out at the scene. Then one of the responding officers would pocket your knife for himself.

        NYPD Marksmanship:

  1. yet I’ll all but guaran-damn-tee they have ‘pencils’ and ‘pencil sharpener’ as part of the ‘required supplies’ for primary school children every year.

  2. Miguel,
    In the State of Victoria (Australia) it’s very true. From the “Information guide for retailers” (
    “Q: Can I sell any kind of knife to someone under 18? What about kitchen knives or a plastic knife?
    A: It’s an offence for anyone under 18 to buy any kind of knife, or any other controlled weapon. This includes kitchen knives, bread and butter knives, box cutters and even plastic knives. If a child needs a knife for a legitimate reason, such as for work, they will need to get their parent or guardian to purchase the knives for them. There are no exceptions. If you or one of your staff knowingly sell a knife or other controlled weapon to a child, you or your staff member can face a fine of up to $2,389.”

  3. They’ll ban knives, next. Violent crimes with them have been escalating since the 90s. Much easier to conceal, too.

    “knife crime remains prevalent across the country. Almost half of all Australian murder victims in 2011 were killed by a knife and knives also represented 49 per cent of the weapons used in armed robberies.”

    After all… it’s for the kids..

  4. Not that the new weapons laws would prevent something like this, which happenned two years before:
    About 9.20pm Tyler walked into the plaza Kmart store and asked employee Mitchell Papas where the biggest knives were kept.

    Mr Papas pointed the kid in the flannelette shirt to the kitchen section.

    “He seemed to be on a mission,” Mr Papas later told police.

    While Mr Papas was informing his manager, Tyler marched from the store with a 30cm-long kitchen knife in each hand and was said to have hacked at a chocolate stand and a soft drink vending machine.

    Witnesses called 000 about the angry violent kid.

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