Video does not stop, it jumps to another story. My apologies, not my doing.

And the judge continued:

“The Klan doesn’t exist anymore,” he said. “Who doesn’t care about black lives now? I’ll let you answer that. I’m tired of black men killing black men. If I offended anyone … I can’t help it.”

Judge goes on tirade about black-on-black crime, saying it puts Klan to shame

The sad reality is that he is right: nobody will hear it. The cycle of death will continue unimpeded.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on ““and doing much more effective job than the Klan ever thought about doing.””
  1. Just don’t critique the culture, you know…

    I used to be a cultural relativist. Then I got out of school, got a job, and started paying taxes.

    1. Once upon a time being “racist” meant that you considered “black” people different and inferior to “white” people. Now it’s redefined to mean “anyone who even obliquely criticizes the subculture identified as “Black” culture.
      I am persuaded that the vast majority of “racism” we see in the US today is motivated not people people thinking that blacks are a different and inferior “race”, but by people who strongly dislike “Black” culture and what it stands for. Mostly because “Black” culture represents all that is urban, and is diametrically opposed to rural values and mores. So it’s the age old “country folk vs city folk”, only that in this case the “city folk” happen to be most visibly represented by “Black” culture, and so it’s automatically “racist”.
      In reality it is “bigotry” at best, feeling that your own cultural group is superior to another cultural group. And my feeling is that that is just human nature, and people are allowed to choose their own values and to disapprove those who disagree with them. There is a distinct difference between people who who happen to be black and those who are a part of the “Black” subculture. Some people, being human, let themselves get carried away and assume that any black person is “Black”, but this is an all too human failure. They have no problem assuming every white person is “white” and making value judgements on them as a class.

  2. Look at the carnage in Chicago. Go to Hey Jackass Dot Com

    78% Black Victims
    13% Hispanic Victims
    7.5% White/Asian/Other Victims

    And no it ain’t the Indiana Klan (probably consisting of three embittered losers, fourteen FBI confidential informants and agents provocateur, nine BATFE deep cover agents, and four ISP stoolies) doing drivebys in Chi town.

    Keep voting Democrat and we can all be like Chicago!

    1. I thought the interesting part about those stats was the “Victim/Assailant” breakdown. You have (victim/assailant by race):
      Black: 492 victims, 33 assailants
      Hispanic: 82/7
      White: 22/3
      “Unknown”: 4/462
      492 black victims, but only 33 black assailants? Then by amazing coincidence, you have 462 “unknown” assailants. Just happens to amazingly closely match the number of black victims (of all victims, actually….the primary takeaway is that most of the shooters are never identified). So unless we have a whole truckload of white supremacists running around Chicago murdering black people, then we have 492 black people shot, and only 33 black people prosecuted for the shootings (of course some of the 33 may have shot some of the 106 other victims, and some of the 10 other assailants may have shot some of the 492 blacks. But odds are that the majority of the “unknown” assailants are the counterparts to the 492 black victims, and are of the same color).

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