This bill needs to include an order to sell off all transferable weapons from the ATF inventory, including seized items from closed cases, to civilians.


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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “And now I support Marjorie Taylor Greene”
  1. “This bill needs to include an order to sell off all transferable weapons from the ATF inventory, including seized items from closed cases, to civilians.”

    Now you’re talkin’.

  2. How many politicians are going to get on board with this? I wonder if any of the Alabama politicians will support this??

  3. I will be very, very, VERY surprised if this goes anywhere with current administration of President Xiden and the morons in Congress.

    Still, kudos to her. Brass balls on this one. 🙂

  4. I love the sentiment, but I worry that if the BATFE (they are not deserving of the “prestige” of a three-letter acronym — always use the whole thing) is eliminated, many of their duties and personnel will be transferred to the FBI…

    … which even in their current highly-partisan, low-credibility state is infinitely more competent at “law enforcement”.

    The BATFE is a joke, but in a lot of ways it’s better to deal with the joke than to poke the dragon. Just sayin’.

    1. MTG could then take on the FBI. The same bill text would probably work, just change the acronym. The FBI isn’t authorized by the Constitution any more than BATFE is.

  5. MTG Means Well. She knows what will get her noticed nationally.

    This is what the Ewok at Ace Of Spades HQ calls Failure Theater. MTG knows it will not pass the HOR, much less get signed in to law. But it plays great with the base, and gets lots of wallets opening for contributions.

    Think I am cynical? How many times did those stalwart Republicans in Congress pass Repeal and Replace Obamacare with a Democrat President to veto it? 4? 6?,
    A Dozen?
    They passed it every other freaking month!!!

    How many times did Congress pass Obamacare Repeal and Replace when President Trump was there to willingly sign it?

    Failure Theater in Action.

  6. That’s a possible interpretation.
    On the other hand, it raises an issue that hasn’t been raised. This may, if it keeps getting pushed, get enough people convinced it is right, and cause a reform to happen.
    Some reforms happen quickly. Some take decades or centuries. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start.

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