By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “And so it begins…”
  1. Having been working from home and mostly left alone for the last 10 months, I had to venture into a federal building for work purposes for the first time in months . . . holy crap. If I was told I’d be working from home permanently, I would probably throw a party.

    The Covidiocy and Mask Nazism is cranked up to 11. Sitting alone and about 7-8 feet away from the nearest government drone and was harped at twice for my nose not being covered and then said harpy got pissed because she couldn’t understand what I was saying. I can only imagine what it will be like after these morons are even more emblodened after the Dementia Patient in Chief gets his poison pen out.

  2. His little tyrannical missive doesn’t say WHAT the mask has to be made of…..
    Where I’m forced by the little dictators to wear one, I have a mask made out of mosquito netting that I pull out.
    A friend of mine uses a ‘gator’ made out of a ladies scarf material, almost as see-through as a muslim veil.
    Irish Democracy in occupied enemy territory.

    If masks and lockdowns work, why is the incident of ChiCom virus going up?

    1. My wife doesn’t like masks, she gets dizzy quickly. I suggested she might use an Alyssa Milano mask — crochet.

  3. Tempest, simply watch: over next 2 weeks, *reporting* about the CCP Virus, will……disappear!

    A “Forrest Gump” moment: “And, just like that, Covid went away!”

    1. Nunya beat me to it.

      Seriously, COVID deaths will stop getting reported. infections will no longer be front page news. Two weeks to slow the spread will… slow the spread. Or stop it fully. Does not matter, but the average person who gets their news from the book of face will stop hearing about how horrible the virus is.

      And, just like that…

    2. I am not so sure it will “just disappear” over the next 2 weeks. They are in a pickle because the Dem Mayors and Governors are now telling they need to open because the Economy is tanked in their places, but at the same time they will lose the fear control.

      And you know they are going to fuck up the vaccine distribution or worse: Deny or restrict distribution to “rebel” states. I fear Florida is gonna be punished because DeSantis is a political danger.

  4. I was in Tucson Arizona last week and wanted to run over to Joshua Tree, as I had never been there. Three of us were checking out the climbing areas when we noticed that everyone was wearing a mask on the trails. This was mid week with very little traffic. These people were walking desert trails in the middle of nowhere – I looked at my host questioningly – He simply shrugged and said, “Welcome to California.” SMDH

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