Shooting Brother Enrico M. teaching a First Step class on IDPA. If you carry concealed while wearing a cover garment like jacket, vest, shirt, etc your do not pussyfoot moving the garment away but do it in a manner forceful enough to clear the gun and avoid any tangles or screw ups. Do notice the placement of the Weak/Non-Dominant hand: Away from the projected path of the coming gun but ready to be used in a two-hand hold.

Tropical Sport Shooting Association teaches these classes to those interested in participate in IDPA but are afraid that their gun manipulation is not good enough. Go ahead and contact your local IDPA Club, if they do not have an established class, more than likely they will have somebody coach you before and  during a match.

Go for it!

” If you worry about shooting a match and “Oh My God! I’ll never get over it if I come in dead last,” consider you are pretty close to the one in a million people who is willing to test their skills at this. If you ever do come dead last, you still came out ahead of a few hundred thousands of people who thought they were cool but didn’t have the guts to get out there and test themselves like you just did.”
Massad Ayoob on IDPA.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “And that is how you sweep your cover garment.”
    1. Yup.. Enrico is a far better shooter than me and just great shooter. And he can kick ass with an AR too without the need for exotic optics.

      He is the one in the background. Ignore the Fat bastard on the foreground with the WASR.

  1. If I’m not there to be last, who will be? (Excuses are like, um, but I shoot the gun I carry…a Glock 36, with its NY-friendly six-round magazine. It ain’t the best for IDPA, but I’m not playing a game, I’m training for the unthinkable.)

    1. I always say that I rather have an IDPA Newbie shooter with me than any tough guy that has not shoot his weapon since that Uber Cool tactical class sometime in the last decade. The same ges for IPSC or Cowboy…hell I want a decent cowboy shotgun shooter covering me, those guys are faster with their 19 century weapon than many modern shooters with a semi auto Benelli.

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