While at Wally World yesterday, I went ahead and got my flu shot (Yes, I do believe in vaccines. I am from South America and was either get vaccinated against the myriad of crap floating around or enjoying a nice warm death bed).  The missus got me a gaiter and I found out I can deal with it better than the mask, specially since it does not fog my glasses and it is much easier to breathe through while complying with the Mask Theater.

But dear Lord, I do look specially messed up.

It took me a bit to realize the unevenness is because of the beard that does not compress evenly and I really don’t care. It makes me look uglier and nastier which in today’s world might be a plus.

And since I am on the subject, might as well take it head on: Talking to the pharmacist assistant about my immunization record, she pointed out I had not received my shot for measles, mumps and rubella. I chuckled and explained to her that I had been immunized the hard way when I was a kid as it was the way back then:

Mom: “Pedrito caught the mumps, go visit him for a couple of hours.” 

I got mumps and rubella that way and mom never could figure how I got the measles since nobody close to us back then had it.  Rubella was particularly hard with our family as it was very painful for me at the time of infection, but mom also caught it just to find out a little later she was pregnant. My brother Angel was born with a heart defect which today can be addressed in womb if required, but back in the 60s was impossible to correct. He lasted all of three days.

So, if there is a proven vaccine against a malady I may get, I will take the chance if I deem I am at risk. You are free to do what you think is best for you and for your family.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “And the look aint sexy.”
  1. Dude… give us a warning before posting your gimp-mask modeling pics.
    I haven’t had my 2nd cup of coffee yet! 😉


  2. I prefer the gaiter look myself. It technically complies with the COVID kabuki theater requirements (“mask must cover nose and mouth”) and is much easier to breathe through (though it does fog up my glasses a bit, but not as bad as a surgical mask).

    Also, it’s black, and seeing as we technically live in the Portland Metro Area, going “grey man” might require wearing antifa/blm “black bloc” as camouflage.

    And yes, I have the same “uneven beard” issues when I wear mine. 😉

  3. This is pretty much what I wear as well.

    Been to the doc a couple of times, and they throw a minor hissy fit and give me a “proper” mask to wear.

    Apparently, CDC has said that because gaiters are so thin, they are actually worse than not wearing anything (something about aerosolizing the moisture in your breath so it stays in the air longer).

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