Senator Dianne Feinstein’s new AWB was pretty much is dead in the water before it started but, the final nail in the coffin?

Requires that grandfathered weapons be registered under the National Firearms Act.

I am wondering if she has been sniffing enough unicorn effluvium that makes her think she is living in the 1930s.

(hat tip Say Uncle)

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “And the new “Assault Weapons” Ban goes down the drain….”
    1. Lowball figure would be 200 million firearms to be registered. That is close to registering 550,000 weapons a day for a whole year if they work non-stop for 24 hours a day. Almost 23,000 an hour or 380 per minute or 6.3 guns per second.
      As I said, the new AWB is going nowhere.

  1. What she’s doing is asking for the moon so she can ‘compromise’ and get something off the ground. Standard tactic.
    When I lived in San Diego, the toll for the bridge came up to be removed since it had been paid off. Well the city wasn’t going to lose a revenue source so proposals came out ranging from getting rid of it to tripling it. When it was finally decided to keep it the same, the sheeple breathed a sigh of relief.
    Even though they were still being reamed by the shepherd, a little lube was added to make it seem not as bad.
    DiFi knows she can’t get that bill through but maybe they can push through a magazine or private sale ban in a ‘compromise’ bill.

    1. If this was 1994, I would agree. But Gun Owners are way too pissed to cave in and Reps (both R & D) know it. Mind you, we keep the pressure hard and heavy. The only acceptable compromise would be going back to pre-1968 laws.

  2. Is it dead in the water now, for real, or are we hoping this will kill it when she introduces it to Congress? Clinton’s gun ban was supposed to be dead before it got out of Congress, yet it made it all the way to the Supreme Court, and became law. Obamacare was also rammed through, and the Court, led no doubt by that “wise Latina” saw to it that it stands.

    The soapbox, the ballot box, and the jury box have all failed. Do we have the courage to resort to that last box, the ammo box? I don’t think so.

    1. As I said, we are not in 1994. There is a firm gun culture implanted in the mainstream. We are much better organized and we can exercise much more pressure than back then. Of course, we HAVE to push Reps and Senators hard.

  3. Don’t count on your legislators to “do the right thing”. The ONLY thing they know how to do is screw the people who elected them. STick to your guns. We must speak with one voice. Owners, Industry, sports enthusiasts, NRA, and GOA.

    Politicians need to know… the best thing which could happen to them is the loss of their office.

  4. If they could succeed in making all AR’s class 3 weapons, I will convert all 3 of mine to full auto. Maybe even my mini-14 too.

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