Oh crap… hehehehe


PORTLAND, Ore. — Oregon State Police (OSP) troopers assigned to help the Portland Police Bureau with its response to the city’s nightly protests have been cross-deputized by the federal government.
The move actually happened earlier this summer, when state troopers were brought in to help facilitate the departure of federal officers from downtown Portland, according to Gov. Kate Brown’s deputy communications director. But the cross-deputization of OSP troopers could allow state police to bypass the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office entirely when it comes to charges against arrested protesters.

Dooris: This is basically the ground changing under the feet of the protesters. because when the state police come in and are cross-deputized by the [U.S. Marshals], they’re able to make arrests under the federal law. And I’m told there is something similar to interfering with a police officer under the federal law. [Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt] will not prosecute someone for that charge, but the U.S. Attorney’s Office has been much more aggressive at holding people accountable and prosecuting for all kinds of charges. So, I think you’re going to see a lot more of that start to happen as soon as these officers arrive.

OSP troopers have been deputized by the federal government. Here’s what that means

Get your popcorn boys and girls, this is going to get interesting. I predict multiple lawsuits that more than likely fail, probably a restraining order is in the works and orders to Portland PD and the Sheriff not to assist OPD OSP.

I also figure the feds and OPD  OSP are expecting this and have the counter maneuvers ready.

Dear Antifa: please be stupid enough to fight the OPD OSP, pretty please.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “And the rules suddenly changed in Portland.”
  1. There have already been a couple of high profile antifa Twitter accounts that have announced they will no longer be going to the protests because they’re “being targeted” for federal prosecution

    1. Translation: ‘We have outstanding arrest warrants for us and we’re currently trying to hide under a rock until the bad orange man goes away.’

  2. Pretty simple to overcome. Governor withdraws the OSP. That way antifa can still legally execute Trump supporters in Portland.

    And since the governor wants to extend the program of legally executing Trump supporters for the rest of the state dissolve the OSP.

    After all the mayor of Portland, Oregon, Portland city council, and the legislature are in full support of the execution of every single Trump supporter in their state. So passing legislation immediately disbanding all police in the entire state of Oregon to be replaced by antifaAnd then mandate the complete extermination of every single Trump supporter in the state of Oregon would be pretty easy to pass. Wouldn’t have to worry about being voted out of office either. They could literally nuclear carpet bomb their own state in that effort and the idiots with that state would still vote for them

    1. Governor Brown won’t dissolve OSP; it’s the only law enforcement agency she directly controls. Without them, the county Sheriffs are the top LEOs, and most of them don’t support her. Only the Sheriffs of the most-populated counties do; the rural Sheriffs don’t, and in Oregon there are more rural counties than urban counties.

      If the Left passes the gun restrictions they’ve been trying to years to pass, absent OSP they’ll only be enforced in a few counties, and it’s a short drive to get out to someplace where they don’t. (Conversely, if things go pear-shaped, it’s a short drive for “deplorable” people with “undesirable” guns to get in.)

      Governor Brown is not the kind to give up that kind of enforcement power if she doesn’t have to. Or even if she does but can get away with not.

      1. Rolling on the floor laughing so hard I pissed my pants.

        I blame my college-age niece for showing this old fart all them chat shortcuts… ?

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