… when the internal factions go after each other.

From the article:

The National Theatre has become embroiled in a bitter war of words with a group of lesbian women, after allegedly refusing to serve them drinks because a trans staff member was offended by their views.
The episode took place in theatre’s Green Room bar in the run up to London Pride, and resulted in the police being called and asking the 15 women to leave.
One of the women, Natash Read, wrote on Facebook: ‘The refusal followed a conversation with some of the lesbians in the group who were wearing t-shirts with the dictionary definition of lesbian.
‘The upshot was that the police were called to remove a bunch of sober, peaceful women, mostly lesbians for no reason other than responding to a question from a member of staff with an answer that did not align with her political beliefs, or indeed with facts, such as the fact that women don’t have penises.’

And this is why you do not leave the circus’ gate unattended: the clowns get out and then you have to figure out how to bring them back without grease paint stains all over.

We actually need some sort of Thunderdome for stuff like this: Two Genders Enter, One Gender Leaves. The Genderdome!



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “And there always a moment in every revolution”
  1. As a student of history, it’s interesting to note that almost every revolution (except for ours) ends up devouring it’s self or mutates into a much worse version of what it rebelled against…

    1. Or is it just that it’s taking us about 2.5 centuries longer to get there? (Sorry, feeling rather cynical this morning…)

  2. TERFs annoy the bejesus out of me… But so to do the sort of whiny transgender activist crybully that would get triggered by a damn t-shirt and refuse to provide a customer with service.

    It’s a shame they can’t both lose.

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