This was Tucker talking about Biden’s first public address and when he talked about the military:
The upper echelon of the US military then attacked Tucker.
This is a no-bullshit headline from an actual DOD press release:
Press Secretary Smites Fox Host That Dissed Diversity in U.S. Military
The Command Sargent Major of the US Space Force went to Twitter to attack a strawman version of Tucker’s comments that he created.
I didn’t see anywhere that in Tucker’s video where he said women shouldn’t serve in the military. I do believe his problem was with the adoption of Woke standards.
The replies to Tucker from the military all misrepresented his points of contention with the same bullshit “Tucker says women shouldn’t be in the military.”
That wasn’t what he said.
I have to agree with Tucker, the idea of maternity flight suits is odd. If you go to any fair or theme park and you will see signs on all the rides that say pregnant women shouldn’t ride them. So if pregnant women can’t ride on roller coasters, why would they be allowed to fly combat maneuvers?
Female body armor, on the other hand, I fully support as that is valuable life-saving technology, and the lack of it has been a problem in both the military and law enforcement. I just want to make that clear.
Also, I saw a lot, and I mean a lot, of people in the military attack Tucker with the argument of “he didn’t serve so he’s a coward, and he doesn’t get to have an opinion.”
Thank you to those people for making me hate our servicemen and women. I appreciate them revealing their opinion that they are better than the rest of us and we should shut the fuck up and accept what the military does because we’re just a bunch of lazy cowards who would piss ourselves at boot camp. It’s good to know that our service members have embraced the attitude of a junta. You are doing a bang-up job of continuing to reduce trust in our military.
So why the coordinated attack on Tucker.
Well.. two reasons.
Reason One, from the Financial Times:
Admiral warns US military losing its edge in Indo-Pacific
The US is losing its military edge in the Indo-Pacific as China rapidly expands in ways that suggest it is preparing for aggressive action, the top American commander in the region has warned.
Admiral Philip Davidson, head of Indo-Pacific command, said the military balance in the region has “become more unfavourable” to the US, raising the threat of China taking action because of declining deterrence.
“We are accumulating risk that may embolden China to unilaterally change the status quo before our forces may be able to deliver an effective response,” Davidson told a Senate armed services committee hearing.
“I cannot for the life of me understand some of the capabilities that they’re putting in the field, unless it is an aggressive posture,” he said.
His comments came as the US has become alarmed about aggressive Chinese military activity around Taiwan. Asked if the US should change its long-term policy of “strategic ambiguity” — refusing to say how it would respond to an attack on Taiwan — he suggested it should be examined.
“Forty years of the strategic ambiguity . . . has helped keep Taiwan and its current status, but you know these things should be reconsidered routinely,” Davidson said.
So we are effectively abandoning Taiwan and allowing China to control that region of the world, which means that China will eventually control the entire Pacific ocean.
This is happening under the President who got 10% of his son making bank from Chinese businesses.
Reason Two, from CNN:
Defense Secretary overruled Army recommendation to reduce number of National Guard troops at Capitol
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s decision to keep nearly 2,300 National Guard troops on Capitol Hill security duty through May 23 came after the secretary decided against an Army recommendation that less than half that number was actually needed to support US Capitol Police.
Three defense officials confirm that Austin reviewed the lower option to keep fewer than 1,000 troops but ultimately decided to give the Capitol Police the full amount of troops they had asked for. “There was a discussion” about approving less than 1,000 troops one defense official told CNN. The Army oversees the DC National Guard and has taken a lead role in the deployment of guard forces.
The Pentagon says it approved the police request for the nearly 2,300 troops to remain on duty because the Capitol Police successfully made the case they did not have enough manpower and “capability” to ensure security after the January 6 insurrection and given ongoing security concerns.
Meanwhile, members of Congress have sought clarity from US Capitol Police and the Pentagon as to why the deployment of Guard troops was extended this week through May but have not been given a clear explanation, according to a source familiar with the outreach.
The timeline for hiring additional USCP officers, something that was also recommended by Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré who conducted an independent review of Capitol security, remains unclear but that process will inevitably take months.
I wrote about the high partisan and prejudicial Russel Honore before.
The Army wants to remove troops, members of Congress want to remove troops, but Biden’s Secretary of Raytheon Stock Value Defense and Pelosi’s Grand Inquisitor want to keep troops there effectively permanently. They won’t say that, they will just keep pushing the withdrawal date down the road.
So in real-time, we are watching as our defense leadership is putting a stronger defense posture in Washington DC against Trump supporters than in the Pacific against China.
I’m waiting for the SecDef to demand a carrier strike group be placed in the Chesapeake.
Americans should be concerned that our military is undergoing an ideological purge, having Woke ideology crammed into it from the top down, giving China room to expand on our allies, and is turning our nation’s capital into a Green Zone.
Having Americans focus on that would be a problem for the military, so instead, they attack Tucker for being sexist against women in uniform.
I am looking forward to when President Biden gives a female done pilot the Congressional Medal of Honor for being the first woman who is seven months pregnant to engage in combat operations when she bravely launched a Hellfire into the house of a “Domestic Terrorist” in a Red state because the owner downloaded a program to 3-D print an AR lower and nobody questions how we got there.
Regarding your final paragraph, it’s going to be ugly when that finally happens. And I think it will happen. It doesn’t matter that there is not an actual threat from conservatives. Corporate media will continue to beat the drum that there is. I’ve seen it argued that troops would never open fire on American citizens. They will. They’ll follow orders, just like the police who arrest Americans for not wearing face diapers or social distancing. Only it will probably be worse, as at least a police officer can quit his job. What happens to a troop who refuses an order?
Sorry to be a Gloomy Gus. I hope I’m wrong.
“Strategic Ambiguity” towards Taiwan? WTF? When I grew up in the fifties and sixties, it was made very clear, by both Democrats and Republicans, that Taiwan was our ally, and that any attempt by the Red Chinese to take over Taiwan would be met with force, upto and including nukes. With Nixon opening up relations with Mainland China, we started changing the public language to accept Red China as the only China. The sole purpose of that charade was to drive a wedge between China and Russia. Even so, under the table, we made sure the Chinese knew we would respond with force if they invaded Taiwan. Now we have China Joe seemingly willing to give away Taiwan, the South China Sea, and maybe the Philippines so we can continue to buy cheap goods, and sell our technology to people who will steal it and rebrand it in a few years. Oh, and of course pay Hunter billions of dollars for the Biden crime empire.
“Now we have China Joe seemingly willing to give away Taiwan, the South China Sea, and maybe the Philippines ……. Oh, and of course pay Hunter billions of dollars for the Biden crime empire. (NRW please see above)
Just remember, the primary definition of ‘honest politician’ is : One who stays bought.
Reading between the lines, it seems that the Ho/Jo administration is actively selling out Taiwan and the wider Pacific rim area to the Chinese. Twenty years ago I read about the end of the American Century and the dawn of the Chinese century. I didn’t think it would come about by the deliberate selling out of the US government.
But as Nuke Road Warrior says, twenty years ago, both Democrats and Republicans would tell China to keep their hands off Taiwan. China has eaten Hong Kong; they signed up to a deal that said Hong Kong would have their own government until 2050, and moved that forward 30 years. To paraphrase Darth Vader, “I am changing the deal; pray I don’t change it farther”.
Any Taiwanese who still thinks there’s a possibility of peaceful accommodation with the CCP is either delusional or an agent of the communists. And relying on Biden’s America for help doesn’t make any sense either. The answer has to be to copy the Swiss — a rifle and ammo in every home, and every adult given at least some basic marksman training. Even if most just get the equivalent of NRA Basic Marksman, “a rifle behind every blade of grass” would certainly cause the communists major pain and most likely would defeat an attempted invasion.
The trouble of course is that Taiwan, unlike Switzerland, doesn’t have a citizen militia tradition. But it could work to build one.
Around the Bidness household, our ROTUS (Resident…) is referred to as Jhou Bai Dhen
This is all chilling to me. We now have a military that is actively going after citizens who have exercised their first amendment rights in a public forum. That anyone thinks this is this OK makes me think these are the end times of the republic.
Taiwan (and Japan) need some nuclear weapons of their own. They should no longer trust the American Nuclear Umbrella.
Some people are saying that Communist China will not attack the United States until they achieve Naval Equality or Superiority which is about 10 years away. Experts said the same about Germany in 1938 and 1939, which had a plan for a naval buildup to challenge Britain by 1948.
That Marine claims to be a badass. He is a fucking keyboard commando. Look at this:
THAT evidently, is the hallmark of badassery!