Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.) has introduced a resolution “honoring” the life of Trayvon Martin and calls for a repeal of “Stand Your Ground” laws. No sh**. And I guess being elected to the House of Representatives gives you the leeway of lying through your teeth:
Whereas on February 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin, an African-American youth, was horrifically shot and killed while walking from his local 7-Eleven
If by walking you mean straddling George Zimmerman and beating his head against concrete…well yes… I guess.
Whereas Trayvon Martin was racially profiled, stalked, chased, made to fight for his life, and ultimately murdered;
All proven lies but why bother with the truth. She is a politician after all.
Whereas Zimmerman raised a ‘‘self-defense’’ claim and Martin, as the deceased victim, was unable to rebut such claim;
OK, Are we against Stand Your ground or Self Defense or both? Get thy feces together!
Whereas Trayvon Martin’s brutal death and the inconceivable fact that his killer remains free should not be ignored;
That pesky judicial process that tried and found Zimmerman Not Guilty must be abolished!
Whereas Zimmerman’s unfounded assumptions and racial bias led to the use of deadly force
Whereas the only proof of racial bias actually came from the victim.
Whereas John F. Timoney, …..has declared Stand Your Ground laws to be a ‘‘recipe for disaster,’’
The same Timoney that was getting free SUVs from donors and resigned.
Whereas over 20 States have passed and implemented Stand Your Ground laws
30 more to go…give us time
Whereas Stand Your Ground laws dramatically and recklessly expand the right of citizens to use deadly force
And we cannot be acknowledging a Right for The people. That is kinda icky.
Whereas Stand Your Ground laws were drafted by organizations, corporations, and individuals that ignored advice
from experts
Whereas Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.) apparently ignores that Stand Your ground is over 100 years old.
condemns unfounded reliance on Stand Your Ground laws to protect actions that extend far beyond historical use of self-defense;
Apparently over 100 years is not historical enough.
urges any State legislature to reject or repeal Stand Your Ground legislation;
Not even your State of Florida will do that as its citizens rather like the law.
So much dumb packed in three pages.

It’s taken her this long to cook up a resolution? I thought elections were not until next year – by which time the voters will have forgotten anything she said/did earlier than a week befor the vans will be coming around to collect all the good little Dimmocrats and take them to the polling place before giving them a Happy Meal.
stay safe.
Whereas Zimmerman raised a ‘‘self-defense’’ claim and Martin, as the deceased victim, was unable to rebut such claim;
Where as the State was charged with rebutting Zimmerman’s claim — took months to do so, called multiple expert witnesses (which often testified FOR Zimmerman); including the prosecutions star witness Rachel Jeantel — and the evidence not only failed to rebut the claim of self defense but supported said claim.
Whereas Trayvon Martin’s brutal death and the inconceivable fact that his killer remains free should not be ignored;
Whereas Trayvon’s past misdeeds such as street fighting, drug use, illegal possession of a firearm, and oh I don’t know actually brutally beating Zimmerman should be ignored – and has been by most of the leftist media, politicians and too many others.
Bob S.
Don’t forget that the state tried to bury evidence and suborned perjury by putting Jenteal on the stand.
As for Wilson — somewhere a strip club is missing a rodeo clown outfit.
Prosecutions star witness Rachel Jeantel insinuated (to soften the blow) that Trayvon thought Zimmerman was a creepy-a$$ cracker, or was it creepy a$$-cracker, cruising for a strapping young man, like Trayvon knew he was.
Sheila Jackson Lee’s cousin.
That hat just makes me laugh. I’d like to have 2 of those. One to shit in and one to cover it up with.
Do a Google searg (images) of her….have anti acids at the ready.
With the huge amount of brain power it took to think up this resolution how does she manage to keep breathing, air in and out uses two thirds of her cognative abilities.
Whereas on February 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin, an African-American youth, was horrifically shot and killed while walking from his local 7-Eleven
While walking home? No, he was horrifically shot while horrifically beating a man’s head into the concrete. Why not just say he was horrifically shot while getting out of bed? I’m sure he did that at some point in the day as well.
I’m not sure what I enjoy more, her choice in headgear, or her chioce to vote ‘for’ Stand Your Ground in 2005?
Boy, oh boy, even the batshitz crazy mayor we have in Wellston, Mo hasn’t pulled that one.