No arrest have been made yet and foresee nothing close to Justice be served.

I think it is officially time to stop being nice.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “And we have the official Reginald Denny moment of 2020”
  1. Is he dead? Unconscious that long generally means brain bleed. Of he’s not dead he’s screwed up for life. People don’t fully recover from a TBI like that.

  2. If you look at later Andy Ngo twitter posts, it appears the white guy stopped to assist a white trans woman that was attacked by BLM, where they harassed her and stole her backpack and all her stuff. Don’t know absolutely for sure. Solitary White boy is a mob of blacks and all black dressed Antifa thugs and thugettes.

    Biggest mistake he made was to stop while still in the crowd. Never Stop unless your car is disabled. Drive to the nearest police, even if your car is smoking and driving on its rims. Drive over or through anything in your way.

    Better advice, stay out of Portland. No job, no possessions, nothing in Portland is worth your life.

  3. “I think it is officially time to stop being nice.”

    IMO we’ve went past that point 8-10 months ago.

    These assholes are domestic terrorists and should be treated accordingly.

      1. I can understand being distrustful of them, but did you dismiss this out of hand or did you look at the info? His appearance and garb is an extremely strong match.

  4. That man will have nothing to worry about ; it is perfectly acceptable there for antifa members to murder anyone they want. If the feds show up to arrest that person the state will use all its power to defend this this man. After all the city council, mayor, attorney general and governor fully support this activity. Now it’s just a matter of giving antifa the authority to murder. So not only will it be supported by the state but made law.

    WHEN they start breaking into people’s homes to loot and beat up the homeowners and then burn down the home with you in it or simply just burn down your house and Prevent you from escaping and then beat you to death if you do that action will defended. Legislation will be passed making it legal for them to do that. And they will all get reelected.

    Why would the state of Washington or Oregon punish their own militant arm? After all they have the same goals: a violent communist revolution and then the purge of people who oppose them. And of course as I always say there ultimate goal after getting that power: the complete and total extermination of every single United States citizen that opposes them in anyway. Up to and preferably including entire United States population. And as long as they make gun ownership one of the primary reasons for this they will also succeed with the full support of SCOTUS Who hates private gun ownership to the point the extermination of 300 million United States citizens as BETTER than Americans in general owning guns. That the extermination of 300 million United States citizens would by its nature include every single solitary gun owner in the country as well as every single solitary United States citizen that would oppose the extermination of every single gun owner. Win-win.

    1. Me thinks that IF the commies tried to exterminate gun owners it would be a short fight… they will kill a few and word will spread. The next place they hit wont be some old guy in his pjs all alone. There ll be 20 or 30 guys there with 30 mags apiece. Yea, NONE of this is good when the state and city gubmint supports terrorists. But when Americans start fightin back gubmint will get scared and think “America is coming for us”

      1. Oh and as far as disarming US?? Look at NY and Conn, 2 states that passed “assualt weapons” bans and made big noise about kickin in doors……..crickets and less than 5% ,FIVE!!! % compliance with registration

      2. Ask yourself this question: What do you think the far left thinks is worse: them permanently losing all political power and influence or them achieve ultimate power but in order to achieve it presiding of the extermination of the entire United States population to keep it?

        You already know the answer. How willing do you think they are? You already know the answer.

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