And federal to boot. My brain has been tickling me about this lately after I think I read somebody making the comment in the forum.

Both parties appealed to the 10th Circuit: USPS on the parking lot decision and Bonidy on the Post Office building section. Circuit Judges David M. Ebel and Gregory A. Phillips of the 10th Circuit ruled for USPS in both cases:

We… conclude that the regulation is constitutional as to all USPS property at issue in this case, including the Avon Post Office parking lot, Alternatively, even if we were to conclude that the parking lot did not qualify as a “government building,” we would uphold this regulation as constitutional as applied to the parking lot under independent intermediate scrutiny.

Post Office Parking Lots: It Won’t Be A Merry Christmas If You’re In Jail

We living in big cities have an “advantage” as usually Postal facilities are stand-alone places and it is easy to define what is their parking lot. But in the country side where maybe a General Store is also the post office? Suddenly Mamma’s Bai, Tackle And Beer dirt strip in front of it is a GFZ because she gets the town’s mail.

Now that we know, plan accordingly.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “And yes, the USPS Parking Lot is a Gun Free Zone.”
  1. “Intermediate scrutiny” is weasel-speak for “we allow the government to erase your Constitutional rights if they can come up with a halfway plausible, not totally ridiculous, excuse for doing so”.
    People who write stuff like that have no right be judges.

  2. If “Ma’s bait and tackle shop” includes a small post office, I would consider the post office space itself as being federally controlled and not the rest of the shop or the parking lot as the government does not own either the shop or the lot.

  3. Ha! Our post office is in the same strip mall as a Shoot Smart (gun and range) outlet. Should be fun.

  4. “Plan accordingly” is a bit hard to do at times… Took a ride once with some individual who made me a felon by taking a sudden detour to stuff a envelope in the PO lot’s blue R2D2.

    When? Depends on how long the statute of limitations is for that crime sir.

  5. It’s worth noting that the same regulation that prohibits firearms on postal property also prohibits dogs on the property. So don’t leave your dog in the car when you enter the post office to buy stamps. You may go to prison.

  6. personally, I don’t see that having a gun is illegal on postal property. The statute I read says its illegal to possess one WITH THE INTENT TO COMMIT A CRIME. You can MAIL guns using the postal system

    1. You can mail guns? Are you sure about that? The way I remember it is that this is true only if you hold an FFL.
      In any case, the issue isn’t just with unconstitutional laws but with politicians twisting laws in illegal ways and getting away with it.

      1. I checked The short answer (subject to all sorts of small print) is that handguns aren’t mailable by mere mortals, but long guns are.

  7. While I, personally, have USPS mailed a handgun to the manufacturer for warranty work ( I was younger and considerably more naive), I agree: the confusion and
    F-U-D is a feature, not a bug.

    I discussed with the clerk if my gun was, indeed, properly packaged, even!

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