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Another angle:

And this one at the 9/11 commemoration.

Obama is like “WTF Joe?”

I cannot doubt that they have to give him scripts and instructions at for every press conference. This is the worse Presidential optics since Richard Nixon decided to debate Kennedy on TV without make up. He even beats Bush puking on that Japanese state dinner.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “And you wonder who is running the W.H. P.R.”
  1. Nothing looks dumber than a bunch od dems standing around with masks on while the “leader” brays like a jackass.

  2. Someone told him to keep his hands to himself. You can see how unnatural he looks with his arms at his side.

    But what is worse? Look at the sight lines of his protective detail.

    Most, if not all, have eyes on him.

    Normal is to be looking outward. They are looking at and past him.

    Not sure what it means, if anything

    1. He didn’t listen. Look at the girl on his left side. Red Trump hat. His hand is on her side — you can just see his fingers, below and to the left of the stripes on her shirt.

      Poor girl. That explains the rictus grin.

      1. You are correct, he’s got his grubby fingers where they don’t belong.

        What beautiful trolling to wear a MAGA hat in a photo op with Bidden.

    2. Biden does not need a security detail. No one will assassinate him. President Kamela Harris is too scary of a prospect, even for the Dems.

  3. Is there anyway those hats and the Q box could be photoshopped in? I mean, that is a major step beyond the usual cluelessness of this administration.

    1. I agree. If that’s Photoshop, it’s of a skill level vastly higher than that usually displayed. For example, the lighting on the hats is exactly what you would expect for a real photo, and that’s the sort of detail that’s hard to fake.

      1. @RufusJ: The hats, possibly. Hats are relatively easy.

        But the red “I’ll be back” shirt with Trump’s face, on the boy to Joe’s left (our right), with his hands up in front of it, would be MUCH harder to do convincingly.

        No, I don’t believe this is Photoshopped at all. I think this is straight-up real.

        What I think happened, is Gropey Joe never saw a bunch of children he didn’t want to approach, and lacks the perceptual awareness to realize they’re all wearing Trump paraphernalia.

        The Secret Service, for their part, is just letting Joe be Joe (and probably watching the parents in case Joe gets too hands-y and they have to deal with an irate father), which absent a verifiable threat is generally how they roll. They’re not his handlers; they’re there to protect him, not control him.

  4. Of course the other thing that’s comical about this picture is Joe wearing a “face” mask around his chin.

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