In Seattle:

The only reason this cop survived was his helmet.  I can guarantee you his ears are ringing.

All the cop has is pepper spray.  Against a metal bat to the cranium.

The proper defensive response to an attack like that is the liberal application of Gold Dot, Golden Saber, HST, or Ranger.

Remember the incident I wrote about yesterday where an Antifa goon threw a Molotov cocktail at police, and manged to temporarily set one cop’s pants on fire.

The charges against him are being dropped.

Attempt to murder a cop and you will be arrested and the charges dropped while the cops can only defend themselves with seasoning.

We all know where this is going, more attempted murders.

Seattle police need to say “fuck it,” ignore the directives of the city government, and start using lethal force to defend themselves.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “Another attempted murder on a cop only allowed to use pepper spray”
  1. I just read Seattle city council just voted to cut the police budget, overriding the mayor’s veto.

    At this rate, the only police force Seattle will have, will be the protection detail for the city council.

  2. At some point, a couple of officers are going to look at the situation and take extrajudicial measures.
    They identified him and arrested him without harming him, and look what that got them.
    If the DA is going to immediately release people for trying to set cops on fire….well at some point human nature’s self-preservation instincts are going to kick in.

  3. The cops need to say fuk it and LEAVE. Imagine the fun if seattle had 0 cops..we should encourage liberals to move to all these luberal “utopias” and We the people all leave them. Then we build walls around them.

  4. Eventually this will devolve into various neighborhoods forming vigilance committees with all the negative implications of that. Question: What happens when Judge Lynch is holding court, and there are no police to enforce the diktat of the Soros bought and paid for DA?

  5. While I think lethal force was justified on those two situations I thin other whole force just needs to resign then sue the city for creating a hostile worm environment.

    Let the city have no police and a lawsuit to contend with.

    1. Sue the DA for violating civil rights under the color of law, specifically unequal application of the law.

  6. You know what this means right? Attempted murder and murder of police is legal in Seattle as long as you say you are a member of antifa or BLM. Pretty soon going door to door of every police officer in Seattle murdering every police officer, there families neighbors as well as every citizen that opposes the murdering of all police officers will be legal. Then antifa going door to door of every single home in Seattle Washington with the intent To murder the whole population of the city not in full support of antifa and BLM will be legal. Not one will it be legal but they will be given military and police hardware and the permission to literally exterminate the entire population of not only Seattle but the complete killing of Literally every single solitary citizen in Seattle if not the state of Washington that does not fully support antifa, BLM and the state Democratic Party up to and Including the literal complete and total extermination of every single solitary citizen in the state minus antifa and the democrats. Of course that would only be about 1/3 of the population and the other 2/3 will be in full support of that. Because they are so far left they would fully support and even themselves murder their own family members if they support trump.

    It fits in well with the ultimate goal and desire for the far left: the compete and total seizure of power and the mandated complete and total extermination of literally every single solitary United States that opposes or resists them as well all United States citizens that oppose that action up to and preferably including the Complete and total extermination of every single solitary United States citizen even if that means the literal nuclear carpet bombing of the United States an effort to exterminate all life. In fact many people on the left probably believe that if Trump wins that the best thing for this country is the extermination of all human life in the country. Minus themselves of course.

    1. Don’t be ridiculous. Many Antifa members are totally moderate, and draw the line at rounding up all non-supporters and sending them off to Racial Sensitivity Reeducation camps. They don’t want to kill ALL the Conservatives. They need to keep some around to serve as an underclass, scapegoats, etc. They’ll just “liquidate” the politicians, rich people, the business owners, and more outspoken Conservatives, out of the ones who survive the initial anarchy and lynching mobs killing indiscriminately. And some may be able to purchase their lives by total renunciation and recanting of all their principles, and a public dedication of their lives to the Revolution (they won’t be able to give their wealth because it will be taken already). Even the Bolsheviks never murdered ALL the kulaks, just when it was expedient.

      1. Actshukllay…. the first people that will be shot after the Revolution is the Revolutionaries. All the Antifa, BLM, Anarchist, and others massing on the streets and causing chaos will be the first to be rounded up and put against the wall. Those who survive that will be marked and purged later.

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