The problem with a political Pavlovian response is that you are not a dog and that you may end up stepping on a pile of dung, looking stupider than usual.

Nothing gets Antis to bark uncontrollable like mentioning the magic words “Stand Your Ground.”

South Carolina extended protection to fetus via Stand Your Ground and by the reaction of some, you’d think they gave permission to mothers to ingest an Uzi so the baby could come up shooting.

This is the bill as it stands now in the SC Legislature:

A pregnant woman is justified in using physical force or deadly physical force against another person to protect her unborn child if, under the circumstances, she has a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily injury to herself or her unborn child.”

Is this law redundant since South Carolina already has a Fetal Homicide Law? Maybe, I leave the legal analysis to lawyers. Is it a backdoor way to ban abortion as ThinkProgress swears? I don’t see  how. Is the mother gonna shoot herself if she is about to get an abortion on the first place?

The problem is that those screaming bloody murder against the bill look like idiots by trying to deny a mother the right to defend her unborn child that she has voluntarily decided to bring to this world.

Chalk this one up to Battle Selection Failure, level 100.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Another example why Gun Control is losing ground.”
  1. I’ve subscribed to Think Progress. They have some very scary ideas about Cliven Bundy! An utterly disturbing amount of un-informed individuals with the right to vote, that bunch is!

    One has to know how the enemy thinks, and I’m curious to see if they will ban me anywhere near as fast as Moms Demand did.

    Although, I may have set a record at moms FB page, I didn’t last 6 minutes and they had my twitter account suspended overnight. In my defense, I was very polite, and made a sincere request for follow up information. (Apparently, that was my fatal flaw, I asked for information, rather than jump on their bandwagon like a lemming!)

    That one ticked me off, and I have caused them significant grief ever since. That was their fatal flaw. Had they just answered my question, I would have realized they were crackpots and probably just written them off as kooks and not given their ilk another thought.

    That experience is actually how how I found you and have become quite vocal and politically active since. So, thank you very much!!

    1. Donna, you dared to disagree with Moms. That is all the excuse they need. I remember seeing one FB post where they were on the “Let’s have a conversation” BS phase and when asked why they were banning people who wanted to discuss a subject matter, they said that their FB page was only for those who were with them.
      The contradiction never hit them

  2. Donna, you slacker. 😛 YEah Mom’s didn’t like me either. Of course neither did Miguel and I’s favorite little bunch of douche rags. The Coalition to Ban Gu…errr sorry. Make that the Coalition to Stop the 2nd Amend…errr sorry again. Those are terrible insults to our beloved friends over at Coalition ot Stop Gun Violence. I’m hearitly ashamed of myself. I wonder if they can find it in their hearts to forgive me?

    Mmmmmmm…probably not since the useless butt nuggets banned me from their Facebook, their Twitter and their webpage. I can see..I just can’t respond. Gotta love their tolerant response to opposing opinions.

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