The thing is I can still post (Well, maybe after I publish this, I will get the hard time). I did get another 90 without the possibility of going live, which is something I don’t do.  I am collecting more medals that a North Korean general.

Oh, what standard I violated?

I can post any Hitler or Stalin meme and remain a productive member of Zuckland. I posted that cartoon and now I need a BotLawyer.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Another Facebook Jail 3 day time with automatic parole.”
  1. With all due respect… yeah, I could’ve seen that coming a mile away.

    You’re not wrong, and the cartoon isn’t wrong either, but Fecesbook sure as hell isn’t going to let anyone reference Rittenhouse as anything other than ‘right wing gunman who killed three innocent bystanders’.

    And that’s why I don’t Bookface.

  2. I’m sorry to see that, but not surprised. I don’t do any social media, not wanting to expose myself to the bastards.
    But, re your post: I wish there was resistance. I don’t see any. Poor Kyle was desperately defending himself, and as a high school kid shouldn’t have been out there in the first place. Parading around with rifles doesn’t intimidate Antifa/BLM scum. They know the guns won’t be used.

  3. I wonder if tweaking a byte or two would get the image’s signature past their automated scanning…

  4. Considering it is Facebook you could use a literal photo of bodies stacked on top of each other from Treblinka and just photoshop MAGA hats on them and it would probably not be taken down.

    After all it does fit the opinion of people running Facebook as to what should happen to trump voters. And gun owners. And Republicans. And pretty much everyone to the right of Mao.

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