And again, I owe a hat tip on this one.
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Knock the 3 off the front and I’ll take it!
Looks perfect for Appendix Carry!
Well, it does say OBO. Although, I’m pretty sure $75 is still too much. And I’m pretty sure someone will buy it at his asking price (eventually). I personally know someone who would buy it and think it was cool. For that I am sorry.
The mags are worth $75 which was my offer
I’d be afraid he goobered them too. Probably took the follower out and dremeled racing stripes into it to decrease the weight or make it go fast, or something else spectacularly tacticool.
I did not know that Fitzgerald was still working on firearms.
He’s not, but his disciples live on.
Just nuts.
A Fitz Special semi-automatic! Why had nobody thought of that before?
stay safe.
I saw an even more derped-out RTF2 (slide had gills) mid-size Glock on Gunbroker awhile back; it looked like the frame had gotten in a fight with a dremel, a soldering iron, and some bondo….. And lost. Horribly.
It appears Josh has one too many ‘R’s in his last name.
Future Darwin Award winner.
[…] Keep the saws away from the trigger guards. […]
Well…his last name is “Morron”
Forget gun licensing- I want to see Dremel tools licensed and regulated.
How many more innocent Remington-Rand GI 1911’s must get Derped by clueless Bubba’s must we endure? How many S&W Model 10’s must suffer palsied attempts at “engraving”?
It looks like he cut back the slide, too. That angle to the rear sure isn’t stock.
Terrible way to treat such an outstanding weapon.
I couldn’t tell if that was just some weird angle from the way the picture was taken, but I think you’re right. This gun is only worth the parts that can be salvaged. Unfortunately that doesn’t include barrel or slide it seems. My guess is that he can sell this for more than $100 unless it’s to a prohibited person who is simply desperate.
Well, If you scouted around you might find a light or laser module that’d fit close enough to the remaining trigger guard to provide adequate safety. Outside of that, I’d say let someone else buy it.