We are fluxing, I stupidly posted before all was fixed so those already enjoying  the new host missed it. I will repost them here if AWA can’t do the miracle, and he has been doing plenty of those with me around.

So… Lemme upload and image and you guys let me know.

I got addicted to this thing… Misus too.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Another tests post”
  1. I can see this post, and the AWA post, but not the two posts in between, on this address. I also was subscribed to Error 500 when I commented on the other post. All of them appear in The Old Reader. Going to another browser in stealth mode got the same result. I think you are getting there – good luck and computers suck.

    1. Same here – but it’s consistent! And fast! So, big improvements, and getting the transitional posts migrated is one of those fiddly details….
      Now, if only I could figure out why the WordPress login button has stopped working for me – I’m assuming it’s something to do with Chrome and cross-site scripting protection.
      Oh, and that orange sauce is indeed good stuff. I also like Kikkoman Triple Ginger Teriyaki Sauce, which got really hard to find a year or so back (like, being eternally out of stock at 99 Ranch, back when we lived near one), but I recently scored a 6-pack from a third-party seller on Walmart.

      1. Update: the WordPress login-button failure is apparently a Chrome thing; it still works in Firefox. I guess Google decided to “protect” us from WP logins on sites that don’t have wordpress.com in the domain name or something. Another reason to think about changing back.

          1. The comment form also has a row of login buttons for commenting, bypassing the need to fill in identifying information. Sometime in the last month or thereabouts, the one for WordPress (don’t know about the others) stopped working in Chrome on blogs that have their own domain names.
            Being logged onto WordPress already, you wouldn’t be seeing the row of buttons… they disappeared for me, on Firefox, once I logged in to WordPress, replaced by a note that I’m commenting using my WordPress.com account. This no longer works in Chrome, at least for me.

            1. You are right, my apologies. I had to log out ad admin to see them. Yes, if you have a WP account and want to use the login for comments, no problem. Not necessary in any way.
              I left my comments without subscription because I have written a comment in a blog and then getting the notice I must be registered to post.

        1. Eric, why is Google’s incompetence a reason for Miguel to change back to a hosting company he does not want to do business with?
          If Google doesn’t know how to build browsers, there are other options, as you indicated. Personally, I only use Chrome on the rare occasion when a company website doesn’t work with Safari.

          1. I didn’t mean to suggest that he should switch back… ah. What I omitted to mention here was that the login stopped working for me a couple of weeks ago, long before the server change. Anyway, the problem is clearly on my end, and sure looks like a problem with the Official MiniTrue Browser, or its interaction with the WordPress authentication server (which is not related to the blog server, which seems to be part of the problem).
            Sorry for the ambiguity in the initial comment; I meant to say that the feature in question had broken earlier, and the migration hadn’t magically fixed it.

    2. Oop. My previous reply was supposed to have been a reply to Skinnedknuckles @ 8:21 PM on the 13th, but seems to have ended up as a top-level reply. Don’t know if I clicked the wrong arrow or what.
      Good news: I’m correctly subscribed to this post’s comments; no more Error 500!

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