A Florida man caused some worry when he walked into a Port St. Lucie Walmart and asked the clerk about a gun to kill people with.

Phil Attey, an anti-gun activist, admitted to WPTV the remark was in poor taste, but he was trying to make an anti-gun statement because he saw someone who looked like a white nationalist purchase a gun.

It “was for them [Walmart] to wake up and think about their role in the gun violence toxic climate that we have,” he said.

The clerk said Attey asked him, “Can you sell me anything (or a gun) that would kill 200 people?” When the worker replied, “That isn’t funny,” Attey said, “I know,” and asked again if they could sell him anything that would kill 200 people.

Florida man who asked Walmart clerk about a gun to kill people was ‘making political statement’

Goes without saying that his political stance was no what the Walmart people understood and they called police. St Lucie PD took it seriously enough to issue this warning in social media.

I would not mind if the full book is thrown at this idiot, but we know it won’t happen. What we will see is an incremental series of actions oriented to wards violent response by police or civilians. In fact, I believe we should be seeing Gun Control Jihadists who will commit serious act of mass shooting even if he or she dies in it. The fanaticism is such, that I believe we will see people killing and dying trying to make sure their twisted version of peace comes on top.

Liberal Jihadists Demand Action for Gun Sense In America.

Yup, I can see it


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “Anti Gun Florida Man does the Florida Man thing.”
  1. A gun that can kill 200 people… hm
    A single-shot .22, if you have skill, patience, and a bit of luck.
    Or, for those in a hurry, a single-shot, mail-order [omitted – all-too-plausible idea, if a little on the pricey side].
    Or forget the gun and buy some [omitted – been done before, but there’s no point suggesting it to some nutter with a $20 massacre budget].
    If you have vast patience, skip the conventional weapons and simply induce a butterfly to flap its wings in a way that will destabilize the climate and wipe out humanity entirely.

    1. Not an “assault weapon” , it was an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. It didn’t assault anyone. Although it should pick a better owner.

  2. “Can you sell me anything (or a gun) that would kill 200 people?”

    “No, we only carry inanimate objects, sir. Nothing we sell here will do anything on its own, let alone kill people. That’s a highly offensive question and I think you should leave. Now.”

      1. Beat me to it. I saw this on another blog (don’t get mad if I see other blogs, I still love you) and asked if the clerk directed him to the gasoline cans.

  3. “I believe we should be seeing Gun Control Jihadists who will commit serious act of mass shooting even if he or she dies in it.”

    I could see such a person with enough resources buying a bunch of evil black rifles, modifying them to be even more eviler, and shooting up a country music festival. After all, country music fans are just a bunch of gun toting, white trash rednecks anyway.

    Wait, didn’t something like this happen recently?

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