Now, if the mom and dad wanted to force this kind into a girl, I am willing to bet Faux Santa would send dresses and make up for the boy alongside a box of “special” brownies.

And at least this Santa is forced to do the social distancing. I don’t know if he can be trusted to have kids sit in his lap.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Anti Gun Santa”
  1. Who is the guy and what did he do with Santa? Back in the day Santa brought me multiple cap guns, and even a Fanner 50 that “shot” plastic bullets.

  2. If I were that mall, this Santa would be fired immediately.

    It’s not about Woke-ness or anti-Woke-ness; it’s about the occupational duties of a Mall Santa.

    A Mall Santa has exactly ONE JOB: To get the kids to say what they want in such a way as to encourage the parents to buy it from that establishment. Period. Full stop.

    I guarantee that Nerf guns are sold somewhere in that location, probably at a profitable mark-up. And this Santa just discouraged that sale.

    I don’t care what his feelings on guns are, Nerf or otherwise. He’s paid to sell the store’s stuff, and he just sent that family somewhere else.

    That, as they say, is bad for business.

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