Late last year, Ventura County Sheriff’s Deputy Sgt. Ron Helus was killed in the line of duty.

This Sunday, there was supposed to be a charity flag football game put on by a group called Fallen Officers, to raise money for Sgt. Helus’ widow.

The 1st Annual Sgt. Ron Helus Blue Bowl Co-Ed Flag Football Tournament is to benefit the families of the Fallen Officers. This is a flag football tournament made up of men, woman and kids. The Blue Bowl teams are made up local businesses, police officers and residents of the area to come together and unite to show support for Law Enforcement and help the families of our Fallen Officers.

October 6, 2019 will be the 1st Annual A Sgt. Ron Helus Blue Bowl Co-Ed Flag Football Tournament. The money raised by sponsors, team registrations and donations will go to helping the family of Ron Helus and The Fallen Officers which supports The Robert L. Zore Foundation. We will have a great pre-memorial service which includes bag pipes, presenting of the colors, moment of silence and a few words from our Presenting Sponsor, Governor, Congressional, Senate leaders as well as local leaders and law enforcement. We will present the family with a check during this memorial and followed by the National Anthem and a fly over by the Ventura Sheriff Dept.

This event has been cancled.

Take a guess why?

Trump, that’s why.

Borderline mass shooting charity event canceled due to Trump supporter controversy

A charity flag football event in honor of fallen Ventura County Sgt. Ron Helus, the deputy killed in the Borderline mass shooting in 2018, has been put on hold after organizers say a local police chief and a Democratic politician derailed it because they didn’t want Republicans at the event.

Jerseys with Sgt. Helus’ name were donated by the L.A. Rams and footballs with his image were ready to be signed by Rams players. Sgt. Helus’ wife had already met with organizers and supported the event.

The Blue Bowl was supposed to happen at Newbury Park High School on Sunday. Thousands of dollars had already been raised for Sgt. Helus’ family, but now all that money is being returned to donors after organizers say Thousand Oaks Police Chief Tim Hagel convinced organizations to pull out of the event.

Mike Randall, Vice President of the Fallen Officers Foundation, which organizes the Blue Bowl, says things started going south when he allegedly got a text from Hagel saying there were serious issues with the event, specifically that the speakers would cause local political issues.

The Blue Bowl speaker list was bipartisan. It included Gov. Gavin Newsom’s public safety liason, Trump supporter Scott Baio, who went to the same church as Sgt. Helus, as well as Trump-supporting singer Joy Villa, who was to sing the national anthem.

Randall says in a phone call, Hagel questioned why the Trump supporters were invited.

“He basically said over and over in the conversation this is not Trump country, that slogan ‘Make America Great’ is not favorable, popular, within 1,200 square miles, that we don’t want Republicans here, I could not believe it… We were totally floored by this comment, ‘the only thing,’ and I quote, ‘the only thing you coulda made this worse, Mike, was to invite dick Cheney and Sarah Huckabee Sanders,’ and I went…wow are you kidding me?” Randall said.

This is egregious.  The event was canceled, the Helus family had to return the money, and it was made clear that the Thousand Oaks law enforcement community would not support the widow of a fallen officer if two Republican minor celebrities showed up to help raise funds for her.

Again, this needs to be made crystal clear.  The person who spearheaded the canceling of a fundraiser for a Sheriff’s Deputy killed in the line of duty was the Chief of Police for the city of Thousand Oaks, Tim Hagel.

Sheriff Scott Israel is still the worst law enforcement chief in the country, but Tim Hagel is now a close second.

I thought the Blue Wall was impenetrable.  It isn’t.  The one thing capable of breaking through the Blue Wall is TDS.

Here is what really shocks me.  Thousand Oaks is the second-largest and the wealthiest city in Ventura County.  Now that the Chief of Police for Thousand Oaks has gone out of his way to hurt the widow of a fallen Ventura County sheriff’s deputy, what will the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office do for the City of Thousand Oaks.

I’m sure that if a Thousand Oaks police officer comes under fire and calls for backup, the other Ventura County deputies might be very slow to respond, or worse.

Given how Blue Ventura County and Thousand Oaks are, I doubt there will be much blow back for Chief Hagel.

I’m not sure if this kind of partisan action by the Chief of Police constitutes a violation of his office or not, but given that he’s a Democrat in California, even if he broke the law doing this, nothing will happen to him.

Still, this is despicable.


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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Anti-Trumpers tear down the Blue Wall”
  1. I’m sure that if a Thousand Oaks police officer comes under fire and calls for backup, the other Ventura County deputies might be very slow to respond, or worse.

    I suspect that if a Thousand Oaks police officer is under fire, Ventura Count deputies will probably respond as fast as possible, unless it’s Chief Hagel. Then again how often does a Chef of Police face gunfire on the streets?

  2. Despicable doesn’t begin to describe it. But it IS California… We need to give that whole piece of s((t back to Mexico and good riddance…

  3. I live in LA. People are now hyper-sensitized and propagandized about the risk (which is overplayed for greater effect) of shootings at public, outdoor events such as fundraisers, carnivals and “festivals.” The politicitized environment is poisoned by the media, which constantly stirs the pot. Law enforcement authorities are compelled by circumstances to expend a huge amount of effort (at whose cost?) to provide security for events that, in the past, would be handled mostly by private security contractors–the same sorts of crews that typically handle movie “shoots” (productions, that is) and concerts, for example. Now, it is not uncommon to see armored vehicles (Bearcat-type vehicles) parked at the entrances to public events.

    Unfortunately, the corrosive political environment has a terrible damping effect on the kinds of outdoor events described in blog post above. It’s a shame, but, it is what it is.

    1. Bill, well, ok, but what does that have to do with this scumbag “police chief”? The risk of shootings does not come from Trump supporters, something he knows perfectly well.

    1. I tried to find out something about the Chief of Police Hagel. Here is what I found,

      “Tim Hagel is assigned as the Chief of Police for the City of Thousand Oaks. He has been a Police Officer for 35 years and has been employed with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office since 1987. Born and raised in the City of Thousand Oaks, he attended Moorpark College after graduating from Thousand Oaks High School…”

      Is he actually a Sheriffs Department Employee? Yes.

  4. This was my department. It went to shit after Sheriff Dean left. The current sheriff is an empty suit. So Cal, I get it, but I want details. Maybe time for a records request.

    1. The comments are freaking horrible, multiple comments about shunning, executing, and driving out of society anybody who likes Trump because Orange Man Bad.

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