A man suspected of firing shots at a Jeep that was driven into a crowd of protesters on Interstate 225 in Aurora on Saturday has been arrested, police said.

Samuel Young, 23, was arrested Monday night for investigation of four counts of attempted homicide, according to the Aurora Police Department.

Young is suspected of firing multiple shots at about 7 p.m. as protesters walked on I-225, near Alameda Avenue, and the driver of a Jeep drove into and through the crowd. Police said no one was hit by the Jeep.

Two protesters, however, were hit by the gunfire. One man was shot in the leg and was taken by ambulance to a local hospital. Another man suffered a graze wound to his head and was taken by a private vehicle to a hospital.

Man suspected of firing shots on I-225 during Aurora protest is arrested

That was too close for comfort.  And Mr. Young apparently thinks hisself as Modern Old School cowboy with a revolver and what appears to be a kydex holster without trigger cover?

“I think I fucked up, bit it is not my fault!”

For those who do not know, moving targets, even those as big as jeeps are a BITCH to hit.

We will see what kind of charges he will get at the end. Probably some jaywalking and nose nuisance with a simple fine and a warning not to do it again.

Wait, you are expecting the full weight of the law on an anointed Antyphus?   No sir, that only applies to us.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “Antifa Aurora Highway Shooter Arrested”
  1. Musta been the only thing he could find at the Pawn & Loan on Main… And that holster is a WalMart (c) (TM) special.

    I’ll bet he’s got 158 gr FMJs in there too.

  2. Sorry asshole, but IT IS YOUR FAULT! You (not some mythical entity) opened fire with no justification other than your outrage that someone had the temerity to drive through your illegal road block. You, (again not someone or something else) managed to shoot two of your fellow rioters. Lucky for you the head wound was only a graze, otherwise you’d be facing murder charges. Sadly he’ll probably get reduced to a misdemeanor and get probation and community service. ARGH!

  3. This is going to be an interesting one to watch. After the Aurora theater shooting the idiots in the CO legislature got all anti-gun law happy.

    Now, when a dedicated leftist is caught, doing EXACTLY what those laws were supposed to prevent, how will the Attorney General, DA, or Governor react? Can’t say that owning a gun makes you an accessory to murder, then let this jackhole who shot indiscriminately into a crowd get away with a slap on the wrist.

    1. Let’s see how long those charges remain in play. I suspect some leftist activist judge will mitigate them.

  4. First, let me say right up front, this asshole needs to spend a few years as a guest of the governor.
    But with a double-action revolver, you don’t need a covered trigger guard. In fact, a lot of police duty and concealment holsters back in the revolver days let the trigger guard hang out in the air in front of God and everybody. A ten- or twelve-pound trigger with an inch of travel doesn’t need to be covered, although it is an added bonus. Look at Bianchi’s catalog and you’ll see what I mean.

    1. So you’re saying that the trigger couldn’t get snagged by a snagging object strong enough to generate 10 pounds of force over an inch (or a half inch, whatever) of travel?
      I’d rather not make that assumption.

      1. Well, we won’t make you use one of them then. I’d be perfectly comfortable with it. The odds are distant enough to be acceptable. A cocked and locked 1911 MIGHT conceivably get off-safe and somehow fire, but many people are willing to carry Condition One. Hell, a loaded cartridge could theoretically self-ignite at any time. I used to carry a revolver loose in my coat pocket. It was that hard to fire it by accident (although I made sure it was the ONLY thing in my coat pocket).

  5. As I said, look at a few holster catalogs. I carried a revolver for a living for about 20 years in a holster with a non-covered trigger guard, and never had a problem. Most revolver holsters also have thumb breaks that prevent the hammer from moving back, though it looks like this guy’s didn’t. And anything strong enough to move the trigger back will usually lift the gun from the holster, or lift the holster enough that you can feel it. (Two-pound gun, ten-pound trigger.) The combination of the long heavy trigger pull and the captured hammer make most open-trigger-guard revolver holsters pretty safe. Try it sometime (with an empty gun). You’ll see what I mean.

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