This is partially a followup to a previous post.

Remember the woman I wrote about getting blinded by multiple Antifa with lasers and was kept from retreating into her own house?

Antifa continued to pay her a visit.  Tagging her house and threatening her.

Her neighbors found themselves on the receiving end of Antifa too.

Welcome to mob rule.

Elsewhere in Portland, an unlawful assembly, a.k.a, a mob, was broken up by police, the mob started tearing through back yards and across back porches.

One homeowner stepped out to tell the mob to get off his property.

Listen to how they mock him and threaten him.

Antifa is no longer just causing havoc outside federal courthouses and police stations, they are going into residential communities and harassing individual homeowners, blinding them with lasers, and destroying their property.

Arson will come next, we know it, that’s what happened to government property.  There is no reason to believe it won’t come to where people live.

Defending your home against the mob is going to be on the table.

Not just one or two people but a whole mob.

A mob now known for setting fires and throwing homemade firework bombs.

This is most definitely the start of CW2.0.  Act accordingly.


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By J. Kb

21 thoughts on “Antifa in going into the residential neighborhoods, home defense against mobs is on the table”
  1. Its going to have to come down to some of these assholes getting shot. The cops can’t or won’t control them…they assault, vandalize and burn with impunity. Once a good number of them get popped, maybe they’ll get the message.

  2. While using deadly force to stop someone from using a laser might be legally problematical ( I don’t believe so, but AFAIK no one yet has been KTFTD for using one)

    However, unless there are some state laws I’m not familiar with, using deadly force to stop arson/attempted arson is excused as justifiable everywhere you go in the U.S.

    Some antifags try to use an incendiary in a residential area and they’re going to eventually run across a homeowner with none of the forbearance seen by the federales.

    Around my neck of the woods they’d get shot to bloody rags ASAP with hardly a second thought and that’s quite probably why there’s not been even a hint of antifa shenanigans here.

    1. AFAIK most state laws allow the use of deadly force to defend against death or great bodily harm. In my book, the threat of being permanent blinded constitutes “great bodily harm” whether by laser, battery acid to the face or being stabbed in the eyes. Your state laws may vary, and as always IANAL.

  3. Shame they con’t have a law like Texas. We can shoot taggers down here. And yes, it has been tried in court.
    Sec. 9.42. DEADLY FORCE TO PROTECT PROPERTY. A person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property:

    (1) if he would be justified in using force against the other under Section 9.41; and

    (2) when and to the degree he reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary:

    (A) to prevent the other’s imminent commission of arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft during the nighttime, or criminal mischief during the nighttime.

  4. We are all familiar with weapon mounted lasers. Keep that in mind for below.

    I am not a lawyer.

    However, if someone sparkles you, would it pass the “Reasonable Man” test to fire upon an assumed threat of someone pointing a firearm at you with malice?

    If you are trying to shield your eyes so cannot clearly see a firearm, as they are pointing lasers at you, is it really such a big leap to say that you were in fear for your life (and permanent damage to your vision, at a minimum)?

    1. The laser itself is lethal force. Remember that lethal force is that amount of force which is likely to cause death or grave bodily harm. Blindness is certainly grave bodily harm.

    2. Keep in mind also that it’s very hard to tell a blinding-capable laser from a (mostly) eye-safe Class II from a Class IV just by the scatter.

      Just as someone who takes the orange off an otherwise highly accurate airsoft replica, you can’t really expect someone being threatened to pause and examine the thing in great detail before responding.

      1. Given the track record, a reasonable person has to assume that a laser aimed at him by rioters is a dangerous device likely to cause blindness, and likely intended to do so. I say intended, because the fact has been well publicized, meaning that anyone who persists in using these devices is doing so knowing that they cause blindness.
        So quite apart from the possibility it’s an aiming device, deadly force is clearly proper and reasonable against such attacks.

  5. There is only one way this ends: these rioting looting thuggish hordes are shot at and killed. In large numbers.

    But we already know what the governments response will be: make it illegal to defend yourself against the mob. Make self defense illegal. Make defending yourself and your property illegal. Without the police now since they’ll be defunded I wonder how they’re going to enforce that? If the police that are still around would even bother enforcing it.

    I’m waiting for the shooting to start. It’s not going to end well for them. That switch is about to get flipped.

    And this will be my reaction:

  6. This kind of BS is the exact reason for fighting against arbitrary magazine limits. An entire mob of animals would necessitate at least 2 or 3 standard capacity 30 round mags.

  7. My suspicion is that the Dem leadership is setting these useful idiots up for a purge in November. If Biden wins, they’ll get massive credit for taking down their own radicals, under the ‘Shoot the Revolutionaries’ rule. Purging your radicals does make you look moderate in comparison, and has a history of success for Hitler and Tojo.
    And more importantly, they’d be granted the power to do so, but it wouldn’t stop with the Antifa.

    Even if Trump wins, they can still put the boots in, but insist on the “look what the Bad Orange Man made us do!”

  8. Time to break out the welder, I need to make some buckshot loaded blackpowder punt guns. If I rig up a rapid mount system maybe I could keep a half a dozen loaded barrels on hand and swap them out as needed.

  9. This new development in Portland riots is especially troubling to me, as I live in Portland… about 150-200’ away from the North Precinct which has (outside of the courts downtown) been one of the main centers of protest activities.

    Portland has something of a permanent protest culture, with riots being a somewhat annual occurrence. But in the past it was almost unheard of for the riots to affect residences. Sure, neighborhoods nearby had to put up with noise, crowds, and so forth, but they were never targeted directly. This is new.

    I also find it interesting to note that they’re doing this in Southeast Portland, not North Portland… Oregon is one of the whitest states in the union, only about 3% of the states population is African-American. Of that 3%, something like 90% of them live in one of the three counties that make-up the Portland metropolitan area, and 50% of those live in North or inner Northeast Portland. (The North Precinct I mentioned? Smack dab in the center of the historic black neighborhoods.)

    Antifa is a bunch of suburbanite white kids.

    1. As a related note, back in June we met up with a friend who had just returned to the PNW after several years in the NE. He and his partner were looking for a place to settle down and decided Portland was out of the question. When a couple of guys men don’t want to live in Portland things are in dire shape.

  10. Two quibbles:
    1) CW 2.0 is not “starting.” It’s going from a cold war to hot.
    2) It’s not really CW 2.0 as such, but more like the Troubles in Ireland. Loosely organized and affiliated cells, comprising a small minority of the country, deliberately and willingly being pushed into instigating civil unrest and rioting for terroristic purposes in areas they know they’ll be given a freer rein and tacit permission to destroy. This has mite the marks of an IRA-style terror insurgency than it does an organized secession or revolt, with the Democrat party and the media playing the role of Sinn Fein.

    1. It looks more like a communist insurgency than anything else. They are closely following the US Army insurgency handbook.

  11. This is getting scary. I agree with others, this will stop only when they start to feel pain, and that may very well be with bullets.

    I am prepping for the fall. If Trump wins, I’m in an area where I very well could be attacked. I’m getting cameras, radios, and setting up my guns (rifles, shotguns, and pistols) to be able to defend myself.

  12. Unfortunately that is what I’m afraid will happen, some uses 100% legally andorally justified deadly force to protect their home/themselves and after they are disarmed by the police or while they are still rotting in jail the mob come back to finish the job on your wife and kids or just totally ransacks your property.

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