And got more aggressive: They are using chase vehicles and intercepting.

The driver was released later.

In all, seven “peaceful protesters” ended up attacking the Prius. Luck was on  the side of the driver as in they failed to properly stop him (second chase vehicle arrived late) and the Prius did not fail and die. Only critique? The driver’s side window appeared to be partially down and a “peaceful protester” managed to partially access the driver.

This was the right thing to do: Distance is your friend. But what happens if your vehicle is immobilized? (IANAL WARNING!) Legally where can we use deadly force?  Now, that being California, I really would not make a gamble on trying to defend myself. Here in Florida and Miami-Dade county? My guess the moment they stop you triggers used of deadly force for self-defense BUT I would actually play it safe and wait to see if they actually break a window and gain access. We do have Castle Doctrine inside our vehicles.

776.013 Home protection; use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm.—(1) A person is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another when using defensive force that is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm to another if:(a) The person against whom the defensive force was used was in the process of unlawfully and forcefully entering, or had unlawfully and forcibly entered, a dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle, or if that person had removed or was attempting to remove another against that person’s will from the dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle

At least that is the way I see it, but remember we must be able to prove it. One thing I already discussed with the missus is that my next vehicle will have dash and rear cameras because if you can provide hard evidence to the police, whatever the “peaceful protesters” say you did will be refuted. I am sure the guy in the Prius must be very grateful to whomever was in that helicopter.

And I am also getting a grille guard.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

19 thoughts on “Antifa Mob versus Civilian Vehicles: They evolved their tactics”
    1. Because the folks in the back of the truck wearing safety green vests are “legal observers” who called the police and carefully phrased what happened. Likely something like “A car just hit several pedestrians in a crosswalk. We are following them to get the tag number.”

    2. Probably because the protestors called and claimed he “tried to run them over” and he “rammed one of their vehicles”. The cops don’t know what happened, jsut that he was reported. Assuming “let him go” means without charges, they reviewed the evidence and determined he was justified. As he was. I’m getting REALLY sick of this mob “justice” crap, this open revolution attempt, terrorizing citizens who are just trying to use their own damn streets.

  1. Feel free to roll your windows up if somebody sticks a body part in your car. Pretty clear proof they were in your car if thier arm is in your lap after you drive away.

    Window motors won’t cut it off but driving away might.

    1. Test this and read your car manual carefully. Power windows have obstruction detection that will detect an obstruction and reverse the motor. Properly designed cars will let you override that by holding the switch in the “close the window” position, but not all work that way.

  2. I just had a great idea anytime someone is caught on video wearing a burn loot murder shirt while rioting or attacking the police, ,or attacking, cars or breaking windows, and doing all the other “peaceful protest” they do the costs or repairs comes out of BLMs coffers to repair the damage

  3. I’m sure the driver was thinking to himself “But I don’t understand! I drive a Prius and I replaced my profile picture with a black square that one day!”

  4. Most of my long distance driving is in a diesel RV. no radiator in the front and dangerous for anyone to access in the back unless they want to get run over by my towed Jeep….also large enough to have a carbine or shotgun for easy access….crowd will have to move aside for me as I will NOT stop for them.

  5. “One thing I already discussed with the missus is that my next vehicle will have dash and rear cameras…”

    Why wait? After my last accident, I bought one for my new car. $40 on amazon. Works great. Records audio as well. which is unfortunate, since when I’ve sent videos to friends, I’ve had to edit out every time I say “Stupid Cnt….”

    Only issue I’d have is that if you don’t grab it should you have to flee, it’s no use. Maybe one that uploads to your phone or the cloud.

    That said. I bought it to see if it would be useful. It is. Bigly. So I’ll be upgrading and putting one in the wife’s car.

  6. I have a scanner radio app on my phone where you can hear the police chatter, and it maps out issues, one of which is “protest”

  7. One commenter said “Have they arrested the technical drivers yet?”

    That’s EXACTLY what that truck is akin to — a 3rd-world “technical” filled with personnel and/or firearms.

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