I was watching the news and Virginia shut down until sometime in June.

I watched another TV pundit say we may have to shut down for the rest of the year.  That going back to work when the line levels off will only cause a second spike.

They can’t be serious.

Then I had this thought.

Is this a Leftist/Socialist/Communist conspiracy?

Yes, the virus is real.  I’m not debating that.  Or that we need social distancing, that’s true too.

Just the idea that we must be under lockdown for the foreseeable future.

You can’t put people out of work for six or nine months.  It will destroy them.

Could it be that the Socialist Left wants to do this so that when it’s all over they can say to enraged and destitute people:

“If we had Socialism, you could have been out of work for 9 month and it would not have hurt you.  It’s capitalism’s fault that a pandemic destroyed your life and are up your life savings.  Look at how China came back and we didn’t, their system is better.  We need to embrace socialism not capitalism to protect ourselves against the next pandemic.ç

Maybe my tinfoil had is too tight but I cannot for the life of me understand why some talking head would advocate for shutting us down until Christmas.


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By J. Kb

20 thoughts on “Anybody else think this too?”
  1. My wife and I were talking about the notion of “essential business” when she observed: “I don’t understand why a factory has to be closed down even if it has just a small number of people working on machines dozens of feet apart”.
    That’s a good point, and it ties in with the question you raise. Did left wing politicians push for the most drastic measures they can get away with for the purpose of causing maximum damage? They were forced to define the notion of “essential business” because they can’t get away with not doing so, though they define it as narrowly as possible, and often get it wrong because they don’t understand the real world. But a scientifically grounded action would be to shut down selected businesses based on how they operate, not merely because they are “not essential”. A sit-down restaurant is a dense crowd — that’s the fact that justifies a shutdown. The same goes for a stadium full of sports fans. But a construction site where the workers are well spaced can safely stay open, as can any factory where the workers’ stations are well spaced as they are in, say, a car factory.

  2. Just now you are thinking it is a leftist conspiracy? Just now?

    Every leftist executive (mayor/governor) has used this as a way to keep the average person afraid and dependent on the government. And, every leftist exec is using any excuse they can to extend, or increase restrictions.

    All because some study, funded by global warming/globalist activists said there would be 2+M deaths in the US.

  3. simple answer- TDS. orange man bad….seems ro have opposit affect, more are supporting trumpy..

  4. No doubt there are politicians salivating over “opportunities” — but there’s no way isolation will last that long. We don’t have to wait for it to burn out, multiple groups are working on vaccines, tests are getting faster and cheaper AND starting to cover immunity as well as exposure.

    Plus, there’s no way the president wants it to last that long. He has to balance the desire to limit the deaths with the need to get things back to normal.

    Plus — TV pundit? They’re on air because they’ll say something that brings in viewers, not because they have any insight or information.

  5. Yes, this virus is real, and yes, the left/communists are absolutely exacerbating the issue and using it as a means to advance their vile totalitarian ends. Regarding “essential work”, New York declared landscapers, for example, are non-essential. A couple of guys working outside, apart, doing yardwork isn’t going to spread a virus. But the more people that are unemployed, the better apparently.

    The stupidest of the left – Governor Northam, tv propagandists, etc. want this shutdown to last months at the very least, and they’ve already said so. As so many of them say, “look to Italy, we are a couple weeks behind them”. Last I read, riots were erupting in Southern Italy over the quarantines. How do you suppose a far angrier, infinitely better armed American populace who is beginning to smell bullshit is going to react in another month and a half of this? Hell even Governor Cuomo had the smarts to realize this can’t drag on for months and said stuff will need to reopen soon.

  6. “What I saw at the coup.” but a pandemic instead of war and governors instead of the president?

  7. Dear JKb: as I frequently remind myself, the mere fact that you (or I) are/am paranoid, does not rule out the possibility (likelihood?) That “they” are, in deed, out to get you.

    Rahm Rule: “never let a crisis go to waste”. Not a “Trump Rule”. Rahm Emmanuel.

  8. Or it could be that the “pundit” is just an idiot and that’s all he could think of to say.

  9. Socialism is the dogma and Communism is the pragma. Let me put it in another way: Socialism is the hour-long Time Share sales pitch you attend in order to get the free weekend at a resort. Communism is the shit-show you end up with after buying the Time Share.

  10. Benjamin:
    “Christ, you people think Rahm Emanuel is on the left? He’s a liberal; he despises the left.”

    Please help me understand the difference between “liberal” and “left”. Unless, of course, one wants to take my stuff and give it to other folks who did not work for it. The other wants to shoot me, first.

    1. Benjamin can condescend and wax philosophical over semantics, but I’ll answer your question: There fundamentally is no difference anymore. At one time, with classical liberalism, sure. But today? None. They are nihilistic kissing cousins with slightly different floor shows.

  11. Then, of course, there is Benjamin’s straw man wherein, notwithstanding his superiority complex, I did NOT assert a single thing about Mr. Emmanuel’s politics, other than recalling his paen to opportunism.

  12. “They’re state capitalist.” – That’s pretty much socialism. The chinese economy is pretty similar to the 3rd Reich economy. And these guys where socialists – it’s not only in their name, it was their plattform (they fought against “big money” and the “bourgouisie” and also against communists but that was an idealistic difference and not an economical disagreement).

    Sure China allows private commerce as long as you follow the party lines.

    1. Don’t you just love it when you’re told a socialist group, that called itself socialist, that many members wrote of their socialist views and actions, somehow was not socialist?

  13. @Miguel.GFZ

    No, actually, giving people healthcare isn’t some abstract conceptual to me. Nor is any of the other stuff I’m talking about. This isn’t conceptual; these are historical facts. And ‘facts don’t care about your feelings’ is a phrase many on the right seem to love, as I recall.


    “many members wrote of their socialist views and actions”

    Do you actually have evidence for these claims? And I mean other than that ‘we are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system’ quote from Hitler you saw on Facebook once. It wasn’t a Hitler quote. It was a Gregor Strasser quote, who was again, killed by the Nazis (in fact he was shot in an artery and left to bleed to death over the course of an hour by future chief Holocaust architect Reinhard Heydrich).

    No serious historian entertains the idea that the Nazis were remotely on the Left. In fact the entire history of the Weimar Republic is rendered utterly incoherent if you try and place the Nazis on the Left. Their origin in the right-wing Freikorps paramilitaries suddenly makes no sense, nor does the Nazi rivalry, often literally bloody, with both the Social Democratic Party of Germany, and the Communist Party of Germany (again, not the same thing, and both banned under the Nazis).

    In fact one singular fact utterly demolishes the entire notion that ‘National Socialists were really socialist’. Upon winning 43% of the vote in the 1933 election, the Nazis needed to form a coalition with another party to secure a majority in the Reichstag. Instead of doing it with either the Socialists or the Communists, who revisionists would have us believe they were their fellow travelers, and which would have given them a supermajority, they instead did it with…the conservative Catholic Centre Party, giving themselves a slight majority. They then, as I’ve said, banned Leftist parties, killing some of their members and locking many more up in camps.

    Maybe you should try actually looking at the substance of things, rather than just accepting their PR at face value. North Korea calls itself a ‘Democratic People’s Republic’ too. Doesn’t make it true (it actually does hold elections; they’re hilariously fraudulent).

    If you actually want to learn about the Nazis (I won’t hold my breath that you do), I’d suggest Richard Evans The Coming of the Third Reich as a good starting point. And Robert Paxton’s The Anatomy of Fascism is a good volume on fascism in general, which first examines the particulars of fascism before actually giving it a firm definition on the final page.

    1. Wow. You sure write a lot.

      Of Bullshit.

      You presented two points (the Strasser brothers and the election) to say that the National Socialists were in fact not socialists. Because they fought other socialists (no socialist has ever done this, ask Trotzki) and because they cooperated with another party that was not socialist. Which is a thing that for some reason destroys every credibility of a party platform.
      “Maybe you should try actually looking at the substance of things,” – Maybe you should.
      They controlled everything, the workers, the production, the children, the schools, the money… There was no individuum in the 3rd Reich, it was all for the greater good of the Volkskörper.
      Sure, they did not socialise the companies – as long as they did as they got told. Ask Hugo Junkers.

      Oh… also You LIED. Your “one singular fact” that “utterly demolishes the entire notion that ‘National Socialists were really socialist”? It’s a lie – the NSDAP did have enough seats for the government because they reduced the number of seats (by kicking out the KPD), moron. They needed 2/3rds for the “Ermächtigungsgesetz” and they achieved this with threats and arrests. The threatened the Zentrumspartei which as a result disbanded on the 5th of july in ’33. Also even in ’33 there were quite a few members of the “Zentrum” incarcerated in KZs 😉

      Also you’re stupid – the KPD and the SPD were not “fellow travellers” just because they also were socialists. The KPD was under sovjet control and the SPD was the oldest party in Germany. Hitler endorsed them in the late 20s, but they were a problem because they could be dangerously powerful. So they fought them. That is simple politics. Do you understand or do you want to spread some more factual lies? 😉

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