Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez went to Instagram to talk more about the storming of the Capitol.

Every time she tells this story it becomes more and more like she’s being hunted like the hot, slutty blonde in a horror film.

Remember that the people who broke into Nancy Pelosi’s officer put their feet up on her desk.

I’ll say it again, if the Capitol stormers really were Right-Wing death squads out to kill Congressional Democrats, given how many guns have been flying off other shelves in the last year, you’d think they would have brought more with them and would have caused more casualties.

What we saw was a moderate-sized Stanley Cup victory riot.  What AOC describes is the plot of a Purge film.

The most horrifying part of this is where she all but accuses a Capitol police officer of being in on it and out to get her, saying that one of her staffers thought he’d have to fight the officer to save her.

This is an obscenity.

This is far more dangerous bullshit than some nonsensical statements about Jewish space lasers.

When you witness the firepower of our fully armed and operational Jewish space laser station, it’s going to do more than just set some trees on fire in California. 

She is planting the seeds that there is a segment of federal law enforcement that is violently hostile to the Democrats.  Logically, that segment should be rooted out and expelled.  She is justifying a political purge of the gun-carrying branches of our government, presumably to replace them with Democrat loyalists.

Nobody is calling her to account for this.

Every time this story gets told it gets worse.

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By J. Kb

15 thoughts on “AOC keeps embellishing her story”
  1. But threatening Americans and republicans is perfectly ok. Dems saying vile mean nasty things about Trump , Trump supporters Americans is ok.
    F@&) this 20something ignorant dumb idiot. Stop validating idiots like this. Ignore them. I dont care what idiots like this say.

    1. Problem is, of course, idiots in power do care that. You don’t care … and will try to find ways to make you care. One way or another.

    2. Only attribute to stupidity that which can adequately be explained as stupidity.

      What she is doing isn’t in that category. Calling it “stupid” means you’re underestimating the opposition.

  2. I saw a headline this morning that she’s claiming victimhood status from sexual harassment. Victimhood is the coin of her world; there is nothing higher than being a victim.

    Considering everything else about her, somebody probably said something like, “you look nice today, Miss Cortez” or “nice outfit.”

  3. Don’t forget she added another check box to her identity politics resume. She stated she’s a ‘sexual assault survivor’.

    Who knows if it’s true or not. #believesomewomen

  4. I hadn’t heard of the laser until Ben Shapiro’s show yesterday.

    That’s a small jump to the notion that the Jooooz run the world. I usually respond by borrowing from Sally Brown in “A Charlie Brown Christmas”: I just want what’s coming to me. I just want my share.

    1. The difference is, and this is my point, except for a small handful of radical nut jobs, nobody takes Jewish space lasers seriously. The nut jobs that do already hated us because we control the banks and weather too.

      Taking AOC’s story seriously opens the door to a political purge of the Federal Government making all the people who carry guns and collect a paycheck from the loyal to the Party and not the constitution.

      1. In response to the Jews run the world have you ever tried responding with “Thank God! Imagine if it were X that ran the world!”

    1. Worse still is that he’s citing her as a voice not just of moderation but of honesty and integrity — by comparison.

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