As you can imagine, Social Media has been inundated of the typical arguments against guns and the Second Amendment. Nothing new there but it makes me laugh when you get a foaming-at-the-mouth Liberal to crap in their pants when you let them see the very possible consequences of a door-to-door order of confiscation.

My guess is that in their exalted self-importance, they think Police Officers will blindly follow their orders while they sip some chia latte comfortably at home and nothing will happen to them. Cops are not stupid, cops will pause and think: “Wait one, we are supposed to go kick the doors of at least 70 million people, armed with over 350 million firearms, well over a trillion rounds of ammunition and the desire to use them by orders of a bunch of idiots drinking Himalayan kombucha and eating organic ramen tofu? Fuck that shit!”

I can predict with a high level of certainty that the outcome of a nation-wide confiscation order will be just the opposite of what Gun Control advocates will expect.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “As I always say: Liberals can’t do math.”
  1. Ask them if they know some one who was killed in a car wreck…
    Then ask them why they have a car(s)…..
    The single most dangerous thing anyone does is drive a car.

  2. “they think Police Officers will blindly follow their orders ”

    There will be those in the ranks who will do so, and willingly. My town has a NY transplant for a police chief who will follow such an unconstitutional law. He refuses to recognize the resulting response that such an act would elicit.

  3. The rank and file coppers are going to be in front of some gun owners house drawing straws to see who’s going to be the first one to die. Somehow, I don’t see that happening, This is why the compliance rates in Conn. and NY are in the single digits. Even the higher up cops understand that it’s a losing proposition.

  4. And they likey won’t ever consider that any retaliation against the oathbreakers for unconstitutional and immoral confiscation will simply stop there and be done. They really need to brush up on thier history to find out what true American’s do to Torries.

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