He Adam Haner (alive and recovering ) did manage to get away from the initial event, but crashed for some unknown reason and the sharks attacked.

We need to have terminal back up plans and carry enough doses of repellent.

There have been talk about the identity of the driver attacker, but I rather wait till the police names him and preferably has him shackled. Also I was told the driver died, but I have nothing about his condition so fat this morning (7:02 am).

(Correction made, thank you!)

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “Attacked Portland Truck Driver: A more complete video. (UPDATE: Name of the driver and condition)”
  1. Hear the defund nuts hollering “call 911”.

    Can’t tell what started it. Who was the woman who was tackled at the beginning?
    Before being kicked, the man was asking if it would be ok to answer his phone, thinking that it was his wife. This is getting disgusting.

      1. Miguel, your language is that the driver of the truck should be locked up. We think you intend to suggest that it is whomever attacked the driver. But we can’t be sure as the English is correct, but the meaning does not match what you normally would say.

          1. FYI: in general we ignore your language errors. You speak and write English a lot better than most of us speak foreign languages. I speak Perl, C, C++ and a lot of other computer languages fluently, but English is the only human language that I speak and pretend to be fluent in.

            You average about 1 error every other article. But it really doesn’t matter. We can figure it out.

            It is only when you get the English right but the meaning is not clear from context that we(I) ask for corrections.

  2. Anyone notice how this is not tne biggest story on every news channel? Person attacked by mob?

    It’s just another White Guy getting his ass beat, maybe killed, by a mob of Black BLM rioters. Nothing to see here. Portland is filled with noble protesters peacefully seeking redress from cthe violent evil police.

    They also beat a White Transwoman who dared to question their attacks on another person too. too. The victim stack has been reshuffled again by the Progressives. Trans isn’t the top card no more. BLM is all that matters.

  3. This is why they want the police defunded. They want to be the police. Who the fuck gave them the right to detain a guy and search his vehicle? That’s the mob turning vigilante.

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