
Words Have Meaning

I have a long article on this coming but I just haven’t had time to get it finished. I hate it but I have four long articles in progress for GFZ right now and never seem to have time to finish any of them

We watch as the alarmist create fake words and phrases to try and touch something at an emotional level. I remember reading about how scientist were looking at ways of spreading pure carbon over the ice caps in order to combat “global cooling” which was going to kill us all in the next 10 years as the glaciers all extended south.

10 years later the same scientist were screaming that we were all going to die in 10 years if we didn’t stop “global warming”.

Today the term is “climate change” and in some cases the same scientists are pushing this new “we’re all going to die” alarm.

The gun rights infringers use the same methods. They can’t sell the ban they want so they hide it in scary words.

Grandpas bolt action deer rifle with a 5 power scope becomes a “sniper rifle.”

A semi-automatic with a pistol grip and box magazine becomes an “assault rifle” which becomes an “assault weapon” which is now a “military-style assault weapon”.

In some places you hear this as “military-style semi-automatic weapon”.

The adjectives just get layered on until you can no longer see the actual thing.

From reporting on State Senator Steve Santarsiero (D-10) latest emotional plea.

“It’s time that we stand up with a single voice and say, enough. No one needs to have a military-style assault weapon. They just don’t,” said Santarsiero, who was joined at a press conference in Lower Makefield by political, religious, community and local school leaders from throughout Central and Lower Bucks County.

“The time has come for us to take a stand and make this a reality. This is about protecting each other. This is about protecting our loved ones. This is about protecting our community. And above all, this is about protecting the kids,” said Santarsiero.

In direct violation of the Constitution.

Article I, Section 21 of the Pennsylvania State Constitution states: “The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.”

Black gun rights group advocates for more firearms

From KOMO News comes a story that is balanced. Go read it. Give them the click.

“When Black folks came to this country we didn’t have guns. We were slaves. So, the gun was something like a Bible in the slave masters’ quarters. It was something you looked at but you didn’t touch. Now that’s been demystified,” said Philip Smith, president of the National African American Gun Association.

On their website, NAAGA says single Black women are one of the fastest-growing groups of firearms owners as exemplified by Lucretia Hughes during her testimony before the House committee hearing on gun violence this week.

“You think that the Second Amendment doesn’t apply to me? You, who are calling for more gun control and are the same ones calling to defund the police,” Hughes said to lawmakers. “Who is supposed to protect us?”

Another State Recognizes the Constitution

Via WTAP in Ohio As of June 13th, 2022 Ohio recognizes the Constitution and will no longer throw people in jail for failing to have government permission to exercise their right of self-defense.

Ohio Constitution Article I, Section 4, states: The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security; but standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be kept up; and the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power.

Until today, the people of Ohio were required to get permission slips from the state in order to exercise their rights. With the passage of SB215 this is no longer the case.

It is also the case that people that are carrying are no longer required to inform the police that they are carrying if involved in a traffic stop.

Rhode Island passes criminal safety laws

WPRI Rhode Island is reporting on new criminal safety laws passed by the RI House.

With this bill, we are finally saying we will not tolerate these dangerious [to criminals] weapons,” Rep. Justine Caldwell continued. “our neighboring states have already prohibited highstandard-capacity magazines, and we should join them in refusing to accept the risks they present to Rhode IslandersIsland [criminals].”

So she wants to ban boxes with springs in them because she is afraid. Ok.

The house rejected a number of amendments including all grandfathering clauses.

So if this bill passes a bunch of subjects in RI will suddenly have to get rid of their magazines or face charges if found in possession of standard capacity magazines.

Of course they have no problems violating the constitution.

Article I, § 22 of the Constitution of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations provides that “[t]he right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Article I, § 24 states that “[t]he enumeration of the foregoing rights [of the Constitution] shall not be construed to impair or deny others retained by the people. The rights guaranteed by this Constitution are not dependent on those guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.”

Animal Attacks..

Having reached the point in life where I’m old and look more like a victim to young animals, I carry everywhere and try and keep my head on a swivel.

Fox News is reporting that four animals lay in ambush waiting for victims. An elderly man was shoot during the ambush. Four suspects are being sought.

I don’t see the race of the victims but the still picture of the animals meets our standard stereotype of the sort of animals that haunt parks looking for vicitims.

Likely there were drugs involved, but that’s just my guess.